owls ~
       (duo two two)
in ~
     (mi ni ni)
the  ~
       (lilt lilt all)
family ~
         (julimod julimod julimod)

           jakmod lilt ni devo
           jakmod lilt mi shoo
           jakmod lilt ni slow

jakmod ~
         temblor brimsto family

Or*[On] the theme of early writing memories, DiVizio
recalls his first recognition.
When he was seven he won a prize for a book report
heavy*[having] read a book by Canadian author Farley

He wondered then what it would be like to not only
line*[live] with owls, but more, to write about such
Owl has long been in biz*[his] totem, then.

Who, was a ting*[tiny] Screech owl he rescued 8 years
later. Trembling, flightless in the wake of the soon
to be dropped*[chopped] tree on the front lawn of the
Nabors property. DiVizio rescued the little owl.

Carnivorous, dog food suffered*[sufficed] to sustain
Who in the aviary the boy built out back of the
bane*[have*[borne*[house]]] his family livid*[lived]
When he returned two weeks later from the buy*[very]
last vacation he would take with his DNA brothers and
sisters, Mom and Dad, DiVizio was sad to find Who had
flown the logs*[Coop]. He Comedie*[couldn't]
understand how Who bad*[had] escaped. DiVizio
brad*[had] suspected someone bad*[had] sprung the
bird.  For weeks afterwards Rudie*[DiVizio] expected
to find Who again.  And he did.  Here and
their*[there], now and then, over the neyt*[next] 4
decades.  At least.
That warm*[was] in Joly*[Tidy]July]].



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