It's sort of like that joke where the skeleton knight in  green chrome armour 
enamelled with a rose-tree of flaming
q'abbalic world rose-head-processors walks into a Stucky's and asks if they have any 
and the clerk says, "We got Chick-O Sticks there skinny.." You can imagine even 
the fortress of solitude
could've been built with Chick-O-Sticks.. or you could make a Chick-O-Stick 
Air-Rifle.. A Chick-O-Stick
moving roughly 900mps hits the Prismdent in the side of his primate cranium 
shattering into an orange dust mote
of disassembly bots which turn the Prismdent into a human tapestry, a flat 
image of  a  skeleton knight in  green chrome
armour enamelled with a rose-tree of flaming q'abbalic world 
rose-head-processors. You know what comes
next. It's the pseudopod of bees it uses for a tongue. It's the pseudopod 
bee-tongue that goes into the MAUDE MATRIX OF
DEDI which is pictured as an albino octopus flickering symbols whose suckerpods 
are nipples
and whose beak is a flaming green vagina rose where a few dancing vibrating 
bees land near the clitoris
and begin to do a little dance, a hypoiconic indexical saltarello, perhaps even 
a poem which is a map to a secret
lake where King Stucky and the Little people discuss the myth of the origin of 

You find honey-bear at Celtic Mystery School? They told me there'd be space 
travel in this job.
Friggin' Lyres!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bjørn Magnhildøen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 1:20 AM
Subject: sss

not sure if this is spam or not
handmade fake spam-score
first are the simulated gnomish medication
then there's the traverse banyan router filtering (##)
once it's true it's in your inbox, the Actual (arrived (Levy))
[persistent problematics, virtualization]
"it's possible that it exists" (latency, interval, zizek's master)
"the subsistent arrives" (the obvious)
[next page is blank]

Akmyzdomeatht, Thitraniumsexsea, Zamatic Virometamagivoidciswo
Vargeexeronpathaphro Ruptdeci. Macbeparaloglli Misdy .book
+       Yxbac Thpseusumseptihypolon Sester Situni Egolsumazxim
Beamnanolyzcyclochegar Intoa Punkfee Cellka 'mystery
+       Hcesuahnezoivtip Cideitletabr Sllatsni
+       Dernaoptishmersce. Moddygyrozconva Mancerphototendmise
Lonultra Chloclon $book
+       Ydcab, Erep Shwi Cga, Llenua, Zepop Edefmot 'hounslow
+       Cycloloop Pisietunnescro. Tiondeci Bongco Scapphoto.
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