1. gogo nine

peeling ectoplasmic pantaloons
the jaunty robot's candelabra

             mutant in the master mystery's
      suspicious homunculus night

                     with a straw hat employess
        and trying to bind them
                  this tiny machine flies naked
where you
               piano collar        tucked

          sufficient evidence to  convict
       the suns between its legs
every courtesy      unknown shifting

the hopeless    diagnosis
     the telephone chnoubis
a pair of milkmen
driving    across   macadam teeth

for a sundial
blue spark
            to a labial smoker
robot straight-jacket drawing room's
                      warm tractor pelt daughter
                       of hopping hollow milk plug &

  henry summoned by the butler
blows dust
                  escapes into caress

but in the very next room
                   something called
mad-aghast-scar madness

henry sniffs       the candelabra
and takes        baby Q
into his arms
              (hearts over factories)
leaking ZWEETS
     baby Q homunculush

is always a triangle
with each turn a turning
named but unknown

in the velvet drawing room of the tongue
of the telephone chnoubis' hopeless diagnosis
on the piano collar of henry  tucked
its frail ectoplasmic monuments (those shirt-tails)
                                where once ozymandian genitals gogo'd:

Omnia mea mecum porto

and the straight-jacket
like a bacon scythe
between the siamese twin milkmen
                                   of baby Q's gaga-clapping hands
between the scylla and charybdis
            of the double henry's
dark galact-tic humm
                                 of innumerable
                                                              nautili retorts

mad-aghast-scar blows dust
                                   ZWEETLY among the caresses
whose macadam of suns
                                 sniffs a hoodoo dunged busby berkely mandala
                      of labial butlers
drawn sweetly
                       through the pantaloons
                                                   of the velvet bacon 
tractor's escape
(see the dumb dancing-handed gaga-clapping baby Q again)

henry   always suspicious
peeling robot pantaloons
plugging into the hopeless diagnosis
of the telephone chnoubis
and his face gone velvet
with plugs of boiling milk
employess jaunty in straw headgear
perhaps a toss
this her dream
              (and smoking) being dual
sniffs the cool night air
a skeleton of freezing fog
disremembers a family of fungus (accidents in air)
a hard drink of smile
(hearts over factories)

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