Is something, I don't know how to say this, better or worse, for what
though, for fucking your arse, the description, but that stands for
something, well the set of words then, these things do things and yet any
words do things, things, you know, affect, force, things, doing it, working,
yes right, well some things work better than others, they must do or we're

Look, any old words, symbols, fuck words, just symbols, symbolic marks, fuck
symbolic, ok stick with marks, just marks, any set of marks, any assemblage
does something, does it, does something to you, to me, to us, to anyone, any
SOMETHING, don't get so heated, I'm not, the words won't come, anyway,
something about this better or worse, something.

The counterfactual, why this and not that, why is this one good better best
whatever, judgement, no not judgement, not right or wrong, not truth, we
left that behind a long time ago, then what, I don't know, just not nothing.
Not nothing.  Not all the same.  Not just the same difference but real
difference, a difference you can taste and that's tastes better than that or
worse.  But not taste, not just up to you since then it's all shit, all
shit, all worthless, all the same, from the puerile wankfest of the internet
to Goethe and Shakespeare, always those fuckers eh, well you know, yes too
easy, still locked into it, but what else is there, performance, oh come on,
halfwit egomaniacs masturbating in public in order to get laid, ooh look at
my pain, intelligence, wit, sarcasm, wordplay, metaphor, bitter, not reall
just not wanting it to be nothing, not nothing.  Not nothing.

The words instantiate the world they express, bringing with them that moment
immanent to the plane that arises, briefly, like the murmuring of the baby,
gurgling machinic realities.

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