Amazon News
Amigos da Terra - Amazônia Brasileira 

Amazon News is a weekly information service provided by
<> , the largest bilingual site on the Brazilian
Amazon region, in partnership with several Brazilian media. Its publisher is
Amigos da Terra - Amazônia Brasileira, a Brazilian non-profit and public
interest registered organization


The news this week:

Study  <>
shows that dams are responsible for 4% of global warming - 05/10/2007

<> states
that impacts caused by Alcoa in Pará are serious - 05/07/2007

<> sue oil
giant over Amazon pollution
The Guardian - 05/11/2007

Surge  <>
in carbon levels shows vegetation struggling to cope
The Guardian - 05/11/2007

Project  <>
aims to extract dam methane
BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation - 05/11/2007

<> from the
Indigenous Council of Roraima goes to Brasilia and confirms demonstration on
Folha de Boa Vista - 05/10/2007

Dorothy  <>
Stang Case - Committee will hold protest during trial
O Estado de S.Paulo - 05/08/2007

Third  <>
report of the IPCC highlights the importance of forests - 05/04/2007

<> of
Amazonia will impose drastic reductions on farm production
Amazonas Em Tempo - 05/04/2007

Lula  <>
uses nuclear power to pressure for hydro power
Valor Econômico - 05/04/2007

Science  <>
states that monitoring in Amazonia performed by INPE is a model for the
INPE - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - 05/03/2007

 <> More news

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produced by Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon. - -
"Amazon is not just a forest" 

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