Popalona, do I look like some dirty Indian?

I don't necessarily knot-wont your bronze age Chachi-folk,
I've already forgotten what I wanted to say,

piggy want a ringtone?

(Politicality was the Chink in the natives' armor!)

Fonzy like a werewolf in a jewk-box aquarium,
hobo laundry is the literature of the stars.

When Hudson Hawk does your laundry, does he look
like Archimedes?

Some hook-nosed people are running wild on the set
of the Warriors remake.

Warriors, come mount your Plaaay..

I've been wearing these fucking pop-bottles
on my phalanges since Fourier's fucking midget Mormon wagons
filled up with unleaden back in St' Louis Mosque outhouse
synthetic service stations.

Stations of the Crosshair.
As in Lautreamont.

A cross hare meanders across the screen.

fiddly dee, fiddly due.

Everyting gets skinny.

Just like a man.

just like a skinny cute man
like a woman as a semiotic gelatin tennis-shoe condom
for alien disease-bringers

Can you imagine a little grey being in a conquistador helmet

what about Cher, Skinless
singing the national anthem through her champagne foaming gill slits

James Fenimore Cooper
is Jugoslavian porn


The Great Snake.

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