Femur trembles

Saffron shaft haft, flicker boom,
piecemeal notched-crusted limp beam,
toothy gag, botched hiss fray imploded,
chasm fossil buzz, ululation hooks' dives,
pidgin crotch, prick wings, fake hyphen,
hoppy piddle, shat sheen, simpered moot...



Mot tantric flatulent, dangled,
scald lobs skull sweats, dove-
twisted clerestory, hose morning dough,
greasy breeze slather, kinda dimly chewed,
copulation lapsed slaps, 
asp mist stiffened, muffled loom
corpse, pocket hinge, sock sausage slime,
dimness clomping, flame, udder
bungled, mock meatless, protrusion
shank, lust hog, concrete slaw, leech
grimy spate, slit crud, slag
paw moon, gasses clasped...


Fluorescent turd

Upper lump night, flail brimming,
sizzles raucous immolation, nap noon cuspid,
quivers air spit, yawn ice lake, ask ham...


Bitch wrist whine

Mask regurgitation, cracked thigh,
mist dimple fumble, flaking snore,
crazed lizard, thigh music talc,
crumbly cracks, urine eye blaster,
cloaca canto, glans glow falters,
wasp steeple befuddled, armpit
cuddled pud flickers mooned map,
kite jack, bricks spurting, chuckle soup,
clogged dawn, pus bum, swirling splinter...


Blond ladder

Translucent milk gored,
scrotum lumbered earwax...

--Bob Of brueckL
(all words from John M. Bennett poems)

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