In the
lick s pore ,g lob        sack ,fin ger lust
er gulls beneath t        he moo n or age
h am  .lon g b ack        pain qui vers den
sly gr inning like yr        spoo n nuts pac
ed the b loom yr        incompaction cue y
r “fin al” p inch        c luster breathed like dust
Spoons it
fun gus hill an la        pper too sn aily for
the focus gun  .k        nock hit off an c
rumbly dumb dea        th r eelers in th e
lake crawling wit        h yr fee t oh s
cum f lag dr ill        ed with blood an fac
es p lunge yr        into the soup
Get away
mute my rusting        dab yr corn
flame my toilet        rock yr stem
hush my user        name yr phone
row yr corner        flaw my reef
page yr schooner        mud my tannin
hock yr fountain        dupe my “relaxation”
night an ladder        crisp nor spun
grease an tunnel        flat nor cloud
rinse an coughing        each nor none
cramp nor syntax        sand or gravel
bus nor earlobe        fall or scowl
lamp nor icecream        ditch or flounder

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett     
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

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