Action deadline:  January 18, 2007 
Dear Alan, 

**Urge your representative to support a bill to boost renewable energy and 
energy efficiency.**  

It's way past time to end our nation's addiction to oil and to stop the global 
warming, habitat destruction and pollution which that bad habit causes.  

The House of Representatives is expected to vote on a bill this Thursday that 
would take a huge first step in that direction.  It would repeal billions of 
dollars in subsidies for big oil and gas companies and instead invest the money 
in clean, green energy, like wind and solar power.  

The bill is one of the top priorities in the new House leadership's "first 100 
legislative hours" agenda.  The vote outcome is crucial because it will set the 
stage for the debate on energy policy and global warming during the next few 

ACT NOW:  Send a free letter urging your representative to vote "yes" on the 
clean energy bill.  

*  QUICK OPTION:  If you only have a minute, send the message below, as is, by 
simply replying to this email. (This option works only if you received this 
email directly from the Conservation Action Network.)

*  POWERFUL OPTION:  Personalize your letter. Go to the following site and 
follow the instructions for adding your own thoughts to your message. Decision 
makers pay much more attention to personalized messages.

Please forward this alert to your friends and family. You can make a huge 
difference for our endangered planet. Thanks for your help.


Hans Verolme
Global Climate Change
World Wildlife Fund

***************************LETTER TEXT**************************

Dear (your representative's name will be inserted here),

As a constituent concerned about global warming and our dependence on fossil 
fuels, I urge you to vote for the CLEAN Energy Act of 2007.

This bill eliminates certain subsidies and tax breaks for oil and gas companies 
and redirects the resulting revenues toward renewable energy and energy 
efficiency projects.

We desperately need these changes.  Our current national energy policy places 
much too heavy an emphasis on boosting energy production using fossil fuels, 
rather than finding a balance between increasing energy output and reducing 
demand.  And it contributes to global warming, one of the most pressing 
environmental problems of our time.  

Please pass this bill and move our country toward a safe, secure and 
sustainable energy future.


Your name and address 
will be inserted here

**************************END OF LETTER TEXT*************************

Learn about WWF's work to curb global warming and how you can help:

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with the World Wildlife Fund Conservation Action Network.  
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Direct any questions about the WWF Conservation Action Network to 
The Conservation Action Network is sponsored by World Wildlife Fund-US.  Known
worldwide by its panda logo, WWF is dedicated to protecting the world's 
wildlife and
the rich biological diversity that we all need to survive.  The leading 
supported international conservation organization in the world, WWF has 
more than 2,000 projects in 116 countries and has more than 1 million members in
the United States.  WWF calls on everyone -- government, industry, and 
 -- to take responsibility by taking action to save our living planet.

World Wildlife Fund
1250 Twenty-fourth Street, NW
Washington, DC  20037

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