America why don't you fuck up yourself? don't you see me walking down Great Road? that's my time, America. your funky dude mishap bombs the island of all Iraqi ingested. so you need to be empty? America why don't you fuck your own merde. the simple answer you. your doctrine seems like an especially worsted wool suit. you make bananas of tripe, you stick underwear on top, you figure the negative. don't you see that I got the mail today? I was in America all along. Mythbusters invented television, and I saw America. don't you think you have the author of Howl? why did you name me Vietnam War? I was not in time to excuse myself when I heard of your correction. America why don't you resume literature not poetry and no more ideas. America why don't you flood out more often. America your age is showing. America these pants are music. America those pants die. America all pants need something else. America this is not really a possible thing yet you insist that something comes. didn't you see me near the post office? did I have remaining soreness if you could tell? might satisfaction include division? tired by the road on which I walked once, I include America among definitions of mist. anyone exhumes what they think of terrible traction. better tires answer for lesser ones. America really what's the egg of action? do you need commas in your sentences? America isn't it even fall in this area? even the wind and something wet to think of. America a whole of the poetry rides an awesome comic book into futures of comic books and the advice of many Stan Lee types. are you especially ready when I make a golfball reasonably insane? why is the America in poems a shortage? why is America stuffed with grainy pictures? whose America snaps pictures on the edge of bland bicycle pump? whose America matriculates via hayfields marbled with bright ideas for saving your tresses? does gosh outdo golly, when you are at home America? tell me of Great Road again, thru the center so called of the miracle of town. what time is dinner America as you eat each statue poured from a blitz. Planet Detergent indicates huffing sounds in toy paddle giving loss into granting. America acts sad crank modest machine, hours of tuning and tweaking, no indication of destruction, your linear activator gets cooking.