Interviews with Poetry Editors on the Future of Poetry Publishing

In light of the the New Statesman article by Neil Astley, 'Poetry For People', 
and the vigorous reactions that my blog  entry concerning it provoked at The 
Poem forum I thought it would be interesting to discuss some of the wider 
implications that Astley’s concerns in the article suggest, and how these 
relate to such matters as: poetry and publishing, and the future of poetry in 
printed form and on the Internet. To do this, I have gathered responses from 
the following editors to a set of questions regarding these issues. 

Tim Allen 
John M. Bennett 
Jake Berry 
Andrew Duncan
Ken Edwards 
Tony Frazer 
Susana Gardner 
Geoffrey Gatza 
Rupert Loydell 
Alan May 
Douglas Messerli
Peter Philpot 
Michael Rothenberg 
Martin Stannard 



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