For the next few months, we will be publishing small sets of customized vocabularies based on popular news items. The vocabularies will feature a set of new words which (fingers crossed) have never before existed in the common vocabulary known as the English language.

The vocabulary words and accompanying definitions are computer generated using a multi-step definition generator. Output of the generator will be enhanced and tweaked over time as new theories are tested and new ideas come to light. More information on the GTR Dictionary Project can be found here :

The vocabulary for week #2 is based on the news item "Kremlin plays down unguarded Putin comments".


[PRFX (Lat.) ac: - to, towards, near, for, together (adeo => go to)] + [STEM (Lat.) commend: entrust, give in trust; commit; recommend, commend to; point out, designate;] Preoccupation with a characteristic or message, not associated with a near journalist without database of a message - closely related to information


[PRFX (Grk.) acr: high] that which is inferred or known to locate, much like a perceived high.


[PRFX (Lat.) an: around, round about; having two] + [STEM (Lat.) ot: horned/eared owl;] that which is inferred or known to indicate, much like a distinct plane.


[PRFX (Grk.) eco: house, household affairs, environment, habitat, home, dwelling] Any state of existing due, most common in one's room as opposed to capability.


[PRFX (Grk.) eco: house, household affairs, environment, habitat, home, dwelling] That which uses people or activities - for example, a cause or activities associated with a moral activity or sex crime


[PRFX (Grk.) eco: house, household affairs, environment, habitat, home, dwelling] Usually, a visual communication of a relation - closely related to house - esp. to communicate people independent of homes. 2. The living expression consisting of a people communicated by applying abstractions to an organism.


an orderlies similar in appearance, yet often followwed anti-serial or an arrangement mostly considered


[PRFX (Grk.) gen: bring to life, create, make] rebellions that develop according to the laws of persons or that which is inferred or known to create, close to a social part.


Aware of or known by a living whether tangible or living, and able to communicate well.


A received compilation defined by a feature , alternatively, a type of fact or common suspect - his tough might regard but only as a group.


[PRFX (Grk.) phon: phone; sound; voice] Used with reference to relation - the evidence of an alleged phone by formulating a received communication: often expressed as an abstraction concerning a living relation. 2. A general evidence formed by investigating understood communications from specific matters.


A quality of state attributed to an ordered living feeling.


that which is known or known to support, similar to a distinct structure.


[PRFX (Lat.) in: - in, - on, - against; not -, un- ] + [STEM (Lat.) st: stand, stand still, stand firm; remain, rest;] A quality of result attributed to learning with the tendency to derive.


Used with reference to group - the word string of a common words by formulating a formed sequence: often expressed as a grouping concerning an orderly organism. 2. A general linguistic string formed by writing systematic phrases from particular words.


To feel branch rather than reason it .


that which is known or known to consist, much like a particular piece.


Used with reference to communication - the laugh of a specific laughter by formulating a living living: often expressed as a type of laughter or specific journalist - his sort might intend but only as power. 2. A general laugh formed by intending common laughters from particular remarks.


[PRFX (Grk.) the: god, deity, divine] an orderly god defined by an example , alternatively, a type of single or common expression - his travel might consider but only as a clause.


Usually, a similarity of a being - closely related to being - esp. to distinguish beings independent of qualities. 2. The similar expression consisting of a being distinguished by applying characteristics to an attribute.


an abstract formulation of music - closely related to style that is also able to express persons independent of styles. 2. A common tough consisting of music expressed by applying abstractions to a language.


A group of possible labor that develop according to the laws of persons. 2. As in existence whether engaged or specific.


[PRFX (Grk.) por: before, forward, in favor of, in front of, in place of, on behalf of] fronts that extend according to the laws of regions or that which is inferred or known to indicate, similar to a distinct extent.


that which is lived or known to invent, similar to a visible device.


Any state of important sense, most common in one's part as opposed to state.


[PRFX (Lat.) tra: - across, - over] + [STEM (Lat.) v: strength (sg. only, not ACC), force, power, might, violence;] + [INFL (Lat.) e: ] Usually, a syntagm of a living - closely related to force - esp. to write patterns independent of stems. 2. The common possible consisting of a sequence spoken by applying orderlies to a pattern.


To be living in the custom according to creations or certain creations that take according to the laws of wholes. 2. A man unable to infer or infer itself as a cast.

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