without order

i tried to deal without order, to apply topology, surfaces,
to the digital, construct for example a sphere:
within the sphere, curvature is uniform, there are no objects,
no striations; now consider a torus:
within a certain angle, vision is blocked, the cylinder connects,
connects smoothly above and below, of genus one in placement
nearby genus zero:
but these inhering differences go no further, elasticity problematizes
order within any configuration as handles, holes, bridges slide,
everywhere, ignoring the metric, there is no metric, let's make one,
just for the moment, no, it's useless:
so that there's something uncanny about the sphere's interior, we move,
near and far, we reflect upon ourselves,
something luminous must there be, or we dream of such, luminosity,
ourselves written, large within our world:
without order, there's nothing, it's all unaccountable, can holes merge,
of course they can, can bridges slide in deep interiors, yes and yes,
nothing is here, sphere to torus, but something to nothing, nothing
to something, always just invisible, for how may one leap, from sphere,
to torus, torus, to sphere, how may one cross, erecting order ?

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