Welcome, Chris.
Regarding the flickering of that Design Resources image, I believe it's a symptom of not having specified a height for that element. Hence, if you change its CSS to:
#resource {
   background-image: url(images/design.gif);
   background-repeat: no-repeat;
   background-position: center top;
   height: 25px;
This will remove the flickering. This flickering doesn't happen only with images; it can occur with text, too.
I hope this helps.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Gandolfo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 6:44 AM
Subject: [WSG] Introduction and call for help

> Hi!
> Well, let me start with a short introduction of myself. My name is Chris
> Gandolfo. I graduated in December from the University of Idaho with a
> bachelor degree in Visual Communication and a minor in Art. My emphasis is
> in Interface Design and for the past year and a half I have been immersing
> myself in Web Standards and CSS. I will be beginning my career in just a few
> short weeks as a Creative Services Design Intern for Twelve Horses North
> America located in Reno, NV (
> Now on to my problem...
> I have been using my personal site as a learning tool and a place to test my
> skills. I have run into a problem with the latest design and can not get my
> head around it.
> First, the site can be viewed at
http://www.c7designs.com and css at
> http;//www.c7designs.com/t1.css
> Everything works pretty well except I'm getting an IE image flicker that is
> atypical of anything I have ever seen before. The image I am speaking of is
> the "Design Resources" image in the right hand column. On page load the
> image is fine, but then it disappears when you mouse over any navigation
> item or scroll, but it does not happen to the other two background images in
> that column. I can not figure out why that one image is being targeted when
> all three are set up the same. None of them are being used for navigation.
> Any help would be appreciated!!
> Chris
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