Untitled DocumentA list of items containing titles, summaries and more links is fairly common; both for news articles, and products ('buy now >>'.).

In my opinion, a 'more' link is "good accessibility" for most users... You read a snippet of an interesting news article, and therefore your eye is at the end of a sentance, possible with an elipses (...) and therefore having a "read more>>" link right there is attractive and easy to use.

I understand completely about the adverse effects of this, and therefore the news headlines, or product titles, *must* be linked, and therefore a blind reader might say when descibing links;

"Company offers new product...", "more", "Company staff win prizes", "more...".

For this reason, I see linking the titles as a necessity, and having 'more' links an option to consider if they are worthwhile. (I also believe that designers who want to *not* have links on the titles can simply choose to remove the visual apperance of links, and ensure that they are infact links--not that I really want to endorse that practice, but its better than not having the titles as links at all)

What I wanting to ask is this:

How useful is it to place an "title" attribute on <a /> tags?

Supposedly these can be used to differentiate links where the linked text is duplicated, or possibly not very clear, and supposedly this conforms to XHTML 1.1. I'm wondering (especially in the case of products' "buy now" links, if these provide very real benfits--i.e. do any major user agents support them?)



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