
I will be on leave until Monday 7 January 2008.

If you issue is urgent, I may be contacted on my mobile, 0414 259 797.


>>> wsg 12/22/07 01:43 >>>


From: "Bloom Communication" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 01:43:26 +1100
Subject: Re: WSG Digest

Seasons greetings from Bloom Communication!

The office will be unattended from  20-26 December emails will not be checked 
frequently over this period.

If your enquiry is urgent, please contact Karen Pearce on 0402 845 300.

Date: 20 Dec 2007 06:51:52 -0800
Subject: Re: WSG Digest

Dear Sir/Madam

Please note that I will be out of the office from 19 Dec 2007 until 16 Jan 
2008. Urgent enquiries to this email address will be dealt with as soon as 
possible, and I shall be in contact with you as soon as I have returned.


Richard Stupart

From: Lea de Groot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 07:08:00 +1000

Hello everyone!

Its that time of year again - time for me to bang my head on the table 
No, really. I do.
Presently, the large majority of us get a few days off, and, 
responsibly, we will make sure that people who try to talk to us know 
we aren't ignoring them, we've just got our feet up with a nice cold 
Sensibly, we leave an Out Of Office message for our colleagues and 
But its important not to ruin that professional appearance by doing it 
The memberships of all your mailing lists generally don't need to know 
that you are away (and its not just because some of us work through and 
are jeaous - honest!! ;))

SO! Make sure you set your Out Of Office message so it doesn't reply to 
your mailing lists.
It takes a little more effort, but it stops us thinking you're a dork.
And you aren't one.
(Are you?)

Merry Seasonally Appropriate Greetings!
(Santa is bringing me a 30" monitor. Hehehe. Goooood Santa. But there 
better be chocolate in there too! :))

Lea de Groot
WSG Core Member

Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 14:30:59 -0800
Subject: Site Check


Could use a once over for this site. any suggestions are welcome.


From: Nick Roper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 22:48:17 +0000
Subject: Preventing copying of text from web page.


We have been asked by a client whether it is possible to any extent to 
prevent/deter users from copying content from a particular web page.

The page will comprise two main areas:

1) Selection options in the form of select lists, check boxes etc.

2) Once the criteria have been selected then a 'Search' button will 
initiate a script that will query the database and display resulting 
text records in tabular format.

The requirement is that the the user should be able to view the 
resulting output, but not to be able to copy/paste to other applications.

Is this possible to achieve in a way that is standards-compliant - or 
indeed in any way at all? One suggestion has been to apply a transparent 
image over the results table - but not sure if this could be done with 
CSS etc?

If this is considered off-topic then I would welcome suggestions for 
more appropriate forums.

Many thanks in anticipation.


Nick Roper
logical elements

From: Andrew Freedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 10:02:08 +1100
Subject: Re: [WSG] Preventing copying of text from web page.

Nick Roper wrote:
> Hi,
> We have been asked by a client whether it is possible to any extent to 
> prevent/deter users from copying content from a particular web page. 

Apart from putting copyright information on it and relying on visitors 
integrity to not plagiarize it there is not a great deal they can do. 

That is unless they have deep pockets and a team of lawyers to track 
their information and hunt any offenders down.

Even if the information is displayed as an image they can always have 
someone type it up.

If they are so concerned about their information then perhaps they 
shouldn't publish it to the web?


From: "John Horner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 10:10:00 +1100
Subject: RE: [WSG] Preventing copying of text from web page.

It's rather off-topic, but more to the point it's impossible, and your
main task at this point is to explain to your client why even trying to
do it is pointless and silly. If they can see the text, the text is on
their computer.

As Andrew said, either they want their information on the web or they

The well-known blogger Heather "Dooce" Armstrong tells a tale about a
client who wanted to do this once. She replied that yes, we could do
that and hey, while we're at it, we should also include some code in the
page to disable their printer!

The client thought that was a great idea.

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Nick Roper
Sent: Friday, 21 December 2007 9:48 AM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: [WSG] Preventing copying of text from web page.


We have been asked by a client whether it is possible to any extent to 
prevent/deter users from copying content from a particular web page.

The page will comprise two main areas:

1) Selection options in the form of select lists, check boxes etc.

2) Once the criteria have been selected then a 'Search' button will 
initiate a script that will query the database and display resulting 
text records in tabular format.

The requirement is that the the user should be able to view the 
resulting output, but not to be able to copy/paste to other

Is this possible to achieve in a way that is standards-compliant - or 
indeed in any way at all? One suggestion has been to apply a transparent

image over the results table - but not sure if this could be done with 
CSS etc?

If this is considered off-topic then I would welcome suggestions for 
more appropriate forums.

Many thanks in anticipation.


Nick Roper
logical elements

List Guidelines: http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
Unsubscribe: http://webstandardsgroup.org/join/unsubscribe.cfm

From: Lea de Groot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 09:11:43 +1000
Subject: Re: [WSG] Preventing copying of text from web page.

On Thu, 20 Dec 2007 22:48:17 +0000, Nick Roper wrote:
> Is this possible to achieve in a way that is standards-compliant - or 
> indeed in any way at all? One suggestion has been to apply a 
> transparent image over the results table - but not sure if this could 
> be done with CSS etc?

You can make it *harder* to do things like this, but you can't 
completely stop determined and skilled people.
If nothing else, they can always take a screen dump of the window and 
drop the image somewhere else.

Lots of techniques can be used - the invisible image layer over is one.
Writing the page with gobbledygook javascript is another.

A strong but polite copyright message will work for some percentage of 

But all of them will only slow people down - once you've published on 
the internet the content is out there  and it is impossible to 
completely prevent reuse.

Lea de Groot
Elysian Systems
Brisbane, Australia

From: Tim Offenstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 17:12:02 -0600
Subject: Re: [WSG] Site Check

At 2:30 PM -0800 12/20/07, CK wrote:
>Could use a once over for this site. any suggestions are welcome.
Hi CK,

A couple quick things:
- No alt text on the holder.gif image. (line 28)
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="c/core.css" /> needs a type attribute 
- i.e., type="text/css" (line 5)
- Add a lang attribute to the HTML opener - <html 
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; xml:lang="en"> (line 2)

        Tim Offenstein  ***  Campus Accessibility Liaison  ***  (217) 244-2700
             CITES Departmental Services  ***  www.uiuc.edu/goto/offenstein

From: "Adam Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 09:15:19 +1000
Subject: Re: [WSG] Site Check

Hi there,
the first thing I noticed is the fact that the footer is always at the
bottom. This is fine however I would like to suggest something to improve
this a little.

Set a z-index of say 100 on the footer, so that the content flows underneath
rather than over the footer.


On Dec 21, 2007 8:30 AM, CK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> http://working.bushidodeep.com/kevon/index.html
> Could use a once over for this site. any suggestions are welcome.
> CK
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A community of people that care about their health and fitness
Free fitness videos, recipes, blogs, photos etc.

From: "Adam Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 09:15:59 +1000
Subject: Re: [WSG] Site Check

Sorry, I just checked again and see you have done that - the problem is the

On Dec 21, 2007 8:30 AM, CK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> http://working.bushidodeep.com/kevon/index.html
> Could use a once over for this site. any suggestions are welcome.
> CK
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A community of people that care about their health and fitness
Free fitness videos, recipes, blogs, photos etc.

From: David Laakso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 18:28:17 -0500
Subject: Re: [WSG] Site Check

CK wrote:
> http://working.bushidodeep.com/kevon/index.html
> Could use a once over for this site. any suggestions are welcome.
> CK

Not bad. Just in need of a little more cross-browser testing. See IE 6. 
Those among us who ignore those among you who consistently freeze the 
fonts in IE 6 an IE 7 would appreciate a little user friendly TLC.




Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 15:32:41 -0800
Subject: Re: [WSG] Site Check


How does CSS z-index and flash commingle, or does the solution rest  
with scripting?


On Dec 20, 2007, at 3:15 PM, Adam Martin wrote:

> Sorry, I just checked again and see you have done that - the  
> problem is the video.
> On Dec 21, 2007 8:30 AM, CK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://working.bushidodeep.com/kevon/index.html
> Could use a once over for this site. any suggestions are welcome.
> CK
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> -- 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> http://myfitness.ning.com
> A community of people that care about their health and fitness
> Free fitness videos, recipes, blogs, photos etc.
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From: "Anat Katz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 10:41:54 +1100
Subject: Accessible Form Elements

Hi everyone,
Can anyone send me some examples for accessible framesets (I know you
 should not use them, but we do...), some examples for different form
 elements, and good accessible code for flash movies?<?xml:namespace prefix
 = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


Currently I am working on a very large projects and I want to make sure we
 are following best practice techniques.


On this note can you recommend some ways of testing to make sure that a
 website is accessible and usable to different user groups.


At the moment I am validating each one of the pages according to W3C
 standards, but what other tools/ techniques/ checklists should I be using?
Merry Christmas everyone! :-)

Kind Regards, 
Anat Katz 

Front - End Developer
Web Solutions Team | Coles Group IT
P: 963 50853


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From: kevin mcmonagle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 23:50:01 +0000
Subject: Re: SPAM-LOW:  Re: [WSG] Site Check

I read somewhere that the latest gen adobe external js script method for 
flash embedding fixes a stacking bug when it comes to z-index. are you 
using that method to embed?

CK wrote:
> Hi,
> How does CSS z-index and flash commingle, or does the solution rest 
> with scripting?
> CK
> On Dec 20, 2007, at 3:15 PM, Adam Martin wrote:
>> Sorry, I just checked again and see you have done that - the problem 
>> is the video.
>> On Dec 21, 2007 8:30 AM, CK <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>     http://working.bushidodeep.com/kevon/index.html
>>     Could use a once over for this site. any suggestions are welcome.
>>     CK
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>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> http://myfitness.ning.com
>> A community of people that care about their health and fitness
>> Free fitness videos, recipes, blogs, photos etc.
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From: dwain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 17:51:50 -0600

On Dec 20, 2007 3:08 PM, Lea de Groot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Merry Seasonally Appropriate Greetings!
> (Santa is bringing me a 30" monitor. Hehehe. Goooood Santa. But there
> better be chocolate in there too! :))
> in the monitor? ;-)


> *******************************************************************
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dwain alford
"The artist may use any form which his expression demands;
for his inner impulse must find suitable expression."  Kandinsky

From: kevin mcmonagle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 23:52:25 +0000
Subject: strange cropping of divs in ie

If i can ask an old question, whats the best way to get margins and 
padding to be set the same across all browsers.

From: kevin mcmonagle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 23:46:24 +0000
Subject: Re: [WSG] Site Check

 From a web typography stanpoint its nice and clean but somehow its not 
as comfortable to read as it could be.
Maybe crank up the leading and possibly the font size as well. maybe 
make the horizontal word count less. Maybe spend a bit of time styling 
some heads and subhead  to break up the body text. i dont know.

CK wrote:
> http://working.bushidodeep.com/kevon/index.html
> Could use a once over for this site. any suggestions are welcome.
> CK
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From: "Cameron Singe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 10:02:22 +1000
Subject: Re: [WSG] Accessible Form Elements

In regards to form elements I would recommed this article

Camocarzi - The art of web development
Web: www.camocarzi.com
Labs: http://svn.camocarzi.com/public

From: "Paul Minty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 10:27:41 +1100
Subject: RE: [WSG] Preventing copying of text from web page.


in general, the web is designed to allow people to copy and paste
freely. Web Standards are, by and large, designed to support the maximum
interchange of information. So, in my opinion, you can't do this using
web standards.

That said: you could output the results into an XML file off the web
root, then consume and display it into a Flash file (or build the entire
interface as a Flash client). In that way you can render the text as an
image or non-copyable text fairly easily.

Or, you could put the output into PDF format, with copying prevented.

Or, you could render it as an image on the server (sort of a poor man's
digital rights management). You may not be able to read it properly

Applying a transparent image will not be very effective as the data can
be exposed by either looking at the HTML source or by turning off images
using the browser.


Paul Minty Director
mintleaf studio 
We design & create stylish websites
Post: Box 6 108 Flinders Street Melbourne VIC 3000
Level 2 108 Flinders Street Melbourne
T. 03 9662 9344 
F. 03 9662 9255 
M. 0418 307 475

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nick Roper
> Sent: Friday, 21 December 2007 10:00 AM
> To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
> Subject: [WSG] Preventing copying of text from web page.
> Hi,
> We have been asked by a client whether it is possible to any 
> extent to prevent/deter users from copying content from a 
> particular web page.
> The page will comprise two main areas:
> 1) Selection options in the form of select lists, check boxes etc.
> 2) Once the criteria have been selected then a 'Search' 
> button will initiate a script that will query the database 
> and display resulting text records in tabular format.
> The requirement is that the the user should be able to view 
> the resulting output, but not to be able to copy/paste to 
> other applications.
> Is this possible to achieve in a way that is 
> standards-compliant - or indeed in any way at all? One 
> suggestion has been to apply a transparent image over the 
> results table - but not sure if this could be done with CSS etc?
> If this is considered off-topic then I would welcome 
> suggestions for more appropriate forums.
> Many thanks in anticipation.
> Regards,
> --
> Nick Roper
> partner
> logical elements
> *******************************************************************
> List Guidelines: http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
> Unsubscribe: http://webstandardsgroup.org/join/unsubscribe.cfm
> *******************************************************************

From: James Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 13:37:29 +1100
Subject: Re: [WSG] Preventing copying of text from web page.


This is an oft asked question by a lot of clients and relies on a basic 
misundertanding of how documents are passed around the internet.
Basically, it is impossible (see examples below). If you don't want 
information copied from your web page then don't put in on the web. period.

Additionally, copy+paste is one of the most fundamental actions on any device, 
disabling it is pretty rude and nigh on impossible anway - on some desktop 
environments you can determine your own keystrokes to copy and paste that are 
known only to you and can't be detected by client side code
e.g Ctrl-Alt-Tab-C for copying

1. "Lets disable right click functionaity!"
- users lose functionality
- easy workaround

workaround 1:
$ wget http://www.example.com/ > 'copy of your home page.html'
workaround 2:
install some firefox extension to ignore right click disable requests by a 
workaround 3:
use the google cache or the web archive
workaround 4:
take it out of the brower cache - where it is copied anyway

2. "Let's encrypt the html!"
no such thing - it's encoding, not encryption. When you encode something 
anyone can decode it.  If it is encryption you'd have to pass a shared key to 
a public resource or expect your visitors to have that encryption key.
slows down page rendering - it has to be decoded by JS usually.

workaround 1:
- decode_function(html) > 'decoded copy.html'

3. "Let's disable the printer requests!"
- see workaround 1.3,1.1,1.4

4. Use images / flash / pdf to render content
- content generally inaccessible to search engines and screen readers
- decode with OCR technology (crackers can easily do this with captchas)

5. transparent image over content
- adblock the image
workaround 1:
- save as > file.html > "html only"

Copyright infringment is best left up to the lawyers - but then there is the 
argument of content being in the public domain anyway.

If you are in a closed intranet environment one way to do it would be to 
employ someone who runs around everytime a page is rendered in a browser and 
shouts very loudly "remember not to copy and paste!" :)


On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 09:48:17 am Nick Roper wrote:
> Hi,
> We have been asked by a client whether it is possible to any extent to
> prevent/deter users from copying content from a particular web page.
> The page will comprise two main areas:
> 1) Selection options in the form of select lists, check boxes etc.
> 2) Once the criteria have been selected then a 'Search' button will
> initiate a script that will query the database and display resulting
> text records in tabular format.
> The requirement is that the the user should be able to view the
> resulting output, but not to be able to copy/paste to other applications.
> Is this possible to achieve in a way that is standards-compliant - or
> indeed in any way at all? One suggestion has been to apply a transparent
> image over the results table - but not sure if this could be done with
> CSS etc?
> If this is considered off-topic then I would welcome suggestions for
> more appropriate forums.
> Many thanks in anticipation.
> Regards,

From: "Mike at Green-Beast.com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 22:09:55 -0500
Subject: Re: [WSG] Preventing copying of text from web page.

Don't forget, with all the best barriers in place, one can always transcribe 
the content so the only real solution, as James wrote:

> If you don't want information copied from
> your web page then don't put in on the web. period.

Holiday cheers.
Mike Cherim

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "James Ellis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <wsg@webstandardsgroup.org>
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2007 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Preventing copying of text from web page.

> Hi
> This is an oft asked question by a lot of clients and relies on a basic
> misundertanding of how documents are passed around the internet.
> Basically, it is impossible (see examples below). If you don't want
> information copied from your web page then don't put in on the web. 
> period.
> Additionally, copy+paste is one of the most fundamental actions on any 
> device,
> disabling it is pretty rude and nigh on impossible anway - on some desktop
> environments you can determine your own keystrokes to copy and paste that 
> are
> known only to you and can't be detected by client side code
> e.g Ctrl-Alt-Tab-C for copying
> Examples:
> 1. "Lets disable right click functionaity!"
> results:
> - users lose functionality
> - easy workaround
> workaround 1:
> $ wget http://www.example.com/ > 'copy of your home page.html'
> workaround 2:
> install some firefox extension to ignore right click disable requests by a
> page
> workaround 3:
> use the google cache or the web archive
> workaround 4:
> take it out of the brower cache - where it is copied anyway
> 2. "Let's encrypt the html!"
> results:
> no such thing - it's encoding, not encryption. When you encode something
> anyone can decode it.  If it is encryption you'd have to pass a shared key 
> to
> a public resource or expect your visitors to have that encryption key.
> slows down page rendering - it has to be decoded by JS usually.
> workaround 1:
> - decode_function(html) > 'decoded copy.html'
> 3. "Let's disable the printer requests!"
> - see workaround 1.3,1.1,1.4
> 4. Use images / flash / pdf to render content
> - content generally inaccessible to search engines and screen readers
> - decode with OCR technology (crackers can easily do this with captchas)
> 5. transparent image over content
> - adblock the image
> workaround 1:
> - save as > file.html > "html only"
> Copyright infringment is best left up to the lawyers - but then there is 
> the
> argument of content being in the public domain anyway.
> If you are in a closed intranet environment one way to do it would be to
> employ someone who runs around everytime a page is rendered in a browser 
> and
> shouts very loudly "remember not to copy and paste!" :)
> Thanks
> James
> On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 09:48:17 am Nick Roper wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We have been asked by a client whether it is possible to any extent to
>> prevent/deter users from copying content from a particular web page.
>> The page will comprise two main areas:
>> 1) Selection options in the form of select lists, check boxes etc.
>> 2) Once the criteria have been selected then a 'Search' button will
>> initiate a script that will query the database and display resulting
>> text records in tabular format.
>> The requirement is that the the user should be able to view the
>> resulting output, but not to be able to copy/paste to other applications.
>> Is this possible to achieve in a way that is standards-compliant - or
>> indeed in any way at all? One suggestion has been to apply a transparent
>> image over the results table - but not sure if this could be done with
>> CSS etc?
>> If this is considered off-topic then I would welcome suggestions for
>> more appropriate forums.
>> Many thanks in anticipation.
>> Regards,
> *******************************************************************
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> Unsubscribe: http://webstandardsgroup.org/join/unsubscribe.cfm
> *******************************************************************

Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 15:37:43 +1100
Subject: Mary-Anne Nayler is out of the office. [SEC=No Protective Marking 

I will be out of the office starting  21/12/2007 and will not return until

I will respond to your message when I return. For anything urgent, please
email "Web Site".

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sender specifically states them to be the views of Medicare Australia.

From: Philippe Wittenbergh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 14:22:19 +0900
Subject: Re: [WSG] Site Check

On Dec 21, 2007, at 7:30 AM, CK wrote:

> http://working.bushidodeep.com/kevon/index.html

The footer (#header) that covers the scrollbar is quite disturbing.

Philippe Wittenbergh

Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 08:13:45 +0100
Subject: Re: [WSG] strange cropping of divs in ie

The best way, when trying to get the same results cross browsers is to
use a strict doctype.

ex. for HTML 4.01:

ex. for XHTML 1.0:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

Good luck!

On Dec 21, 2007 12:52 AM, kevin mcmonagle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
> If i can ask an old question, whats the best way to get margins and
> padding to be set the same across all browsers.
> -kevin
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> *******************************************************************

From: Joe Ortenzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 07:31:58 +0000
Subject: Re: [WSG] Preventing copying of text from web page.

Man I so agree this!

I had a client once, selling small bags and jewellery. She wanted it  
impossible to save her pictures of products as she "heard it could be  
done" and we were being lax by not doing it. She was afraid of seeing  
knockoffs in china. Completely forgetting that the bootleggers would  
simply buy a few in order to copy them....

She didn't understand that the files were already copied onto the  
viewers computer and if a nasty copyright-infringing Hong Kong  
company wanted a copy of her items all they had to do was look,  
Removing copy and print functionality just made the site worse for  
the rest of her customers (you know, the ones you want to be happy so  
they'll spend more!).

We eventually dropped her (mad as a hatter for many other reasons!)  
but if your client doesn't want their content read it shouldn't be on  
the web. ANy other protection problem, once hacked (and it will be  
hacked!) will simply mean you don't trust your viewers, visitors,  
etc... and in turn they won't like you either. Not the sort of  
relationship you want to foster.

Why not simply make people register for it? Then you have their  
details and if you make the registration process intelligent, they  
will be aware they are being tracked and more likely to behave. All  
sorts of benefits and if the discussion forum is inside there as well  
then you can even claim some web 2.0-ness as an added benefit of  

Shops have cameras and security guards to make the fact that we are  
being observed in their premises as unobtrusive as possible yet still  
allow some semblance of security and deterrent. We accept this as  
long as the guards aren't right in our pockets and the cameras are  
hidden in corners and in the ceiling.


On Dec 21 2007, at 03:09, Mike at Green-Beast.com wrote:

> Don't forget, with all the best barriers in place, one can always  
> transcribe the content so the only real solution, as James wrote:
>> If you don't want information copied from
>> your web page then don't put in on the web. period.
> Holiday cheers.
> Mike Cherim
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "James Ellis"  
> To: <wsg@webstandardsgroup.org>
> Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2007 9:37 PM
> Subject: Re: [WSG] Preventing copying of text from web page.
>> Hi
>> This is an oft asked question by a lot of clients and relies on a  
>> basic
>> misundertanding of how documents are passed around the internet.
>> Basically, it is impossible (see examples below). If you don't want
>> information copied from your web page then don't put in on the  
>> web. period.
>> Additionally, copy+paste is one of the most fundamental actions on  
>> any device,
>> disabling it is pretty rude and nigh on impossible anway - on some  
>> desktop
>> environments you can determine your own keystrokes to copy and  
>> paste that are
>> known only to you and can't be detected by client side code
>> e.g Ctrl-Alt-Tab-C for copying
>> Examples:
>> 1. "Lets disable right click functionaity!"
>> results:
>> - users lose functionality
>> - easy workaround
>> workaround 1:
>> $ wget http://www.example.com/ > 'copy of your home page.html'
>> workaround 2:
>> install some firefox extension to ignore right click disable  
>> requests by a
>> page
>> workaround 3:
>> use the google cache or the web archive
>> workaround 4:
>> take it out of the brower cache - where it is copied anyway
>> 2. "Let's encrypt the html!"
>> results:
>> no such thing - it's encoding, not encryption. When you encode  
>> something
>> anyone can decode it.  If it is encryption you'd have to pass a  
>> shared key to
>> a public resource or expect your visitors to have that encryption  
>> key.
>> slows down page rendering - it has to be decoded by JS usually.
>> workaround 1:
>> - decode_function(html) > 'decoded copy.html'
>> 3. "Let's disable the printer requests!"
>> - see workaround 1.3,1.1,1.4
>> 4. Use images / flash / pdf to render content
>> - content generally inaccessible to search engines and screen readers
>> - decode with OCR technology (crackers can easily do this with  
>> captchas)
>> 5. transparent image over content
>> - adblock the image
>> workaround 1:
>> - save as > file.html > "html only"
>> Copyright infringment is best left up to the lawyers - but then  
>> there is the
>> argument of content being in the public domain anyway.
>> If you are in a closed intranet environment one way to do it would  
>> be to
>> employ someone who runs around everytime a page is rendered in a  
>> browser and
>> shouts very loudly "remember not to copy and paste!" :)
>> Thanks
>> James
>> On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 09:48:17 am Nick Roper wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> We have been asked by a client whether it is possible to any  
>>> extent to
>>> prevent/deter users from copying content from a particular web page.
>>> The page will comprise two main areas:
>>> 1) Selection options in the form of select lists, check boxes etc.
>>> 2) Once the criteria have been selected then a 'Search' button will
>>> initiate a script that will query the database and display resulting
>>> text records in tabular format.
>>> The requirement is that the the user should be able to view the
>>> resulting output, but not to be able to copy/paste to other  
>>> applications.
>>> Is this possible to achieve in a way that is standards-compliant  
>>> - or
>>> indeed in any way at all? One suggestion has been to apply a  
>>> transparent
>>> image over the results table - but not sure if this could be done  
>>> with
>>> CSS etc?
>>> If this is considered off-topic then I would welcome suggestions for
>>> more appropriate forums.
>>> Many thanks in anticipation.
>>> Regards,
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Joe Ortenzi

From: Joe Ortenzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 07:33:50 +0000
Subject: Re: [WSG] Mary-Anne Nayler is out of the office. [SEC=No Protective 
Marking Present]

I tried sending an email to "Web Site" but got an "address not valid"  


Is that like sending a letter to "North Pole" ?


On Dec 21 2007, at 04:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

> I will be out of the office starting  21/12/2007 and will not  
> return until
> 07/01/2008.
> I will respond to your message when I return. For anything urgent,  
> please
> email "Web Site".
> ********************************************************************** 
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> named above and may contain privileged and confidential  
> information. If you are not the intended recipient of this message  
> you are hereby notified that you must not disseminate, copy or take  
> any action based upon it. If you received this message in error  
> please notify Medicare Australia immediately. Any views expressed  
> in this message are those of the individual sender, except where  
> the sender specifically states them to be the views of Medicare  
> Australia.
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Joe Ortenzi

From: Chris Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 09:21:16 +0000
Subject: RE: [WSG] Preventing copying of text from web page.

> From: Joe Ortenzi
> Sent: 21 December 2007 07:32

> Why not simply make people register for it? Then you
> have their details and if you make the registration
> process intelligent, they will be aware they are being
> tracked and more likely to behave. All sorts of benefits
> and if the discussion forum is inside there as well then
> you can even claim some web 2.0-ness as an added benefit
> of registration!

This to me seems like a good option, and by registering someone you could t
hen give them a "doctored" version of the data including unique information
 to tie that particular view of the data with their session. That unique ID
 could be in a table cell, in the title of the page, as a footer etc. If yo
u found a copy of that data with the unique session ID anywhere you could t
race it back to a date, time, IP address and registered user.

Of course the problem there is that anyone with a bit of HTML skill could r
emove the unique ID from the page. Still, it may help to deter casual copie


This message has been scanned for malware by SurfControl plc. www.surfcontr

From: =?windows-1252?Q?Gunlaug_S=F8rtun?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 10:46:40 +0100
Subject: Re: [WSG] strange cropping of divs in ie

kevin mcmonagle wrote:

> If i can ask an old question, whats the best way to get margins and 
> padding to be set the same across all browsers.

In standard mode with all other variables equal, margins and paddings
_are_ the same, so I guess that's not what your question is about.
Standard mode vs. Quirks mode box model differences are more likely
causing you problems.

If you want to cater for older IE/win and other Quirks mode only
versions, alongside the latest browsers: don't declare side-paddings on
elements  boxes  that have declared width. Instead, declare
side-margins on non-sized elements inside those sized boxes  like
paragraphs, lists and so on. That'll minimize differences, and you will
only have to take eventual border-widths into account.

I'm dealing with Standard mode vs. Quirks mode box model differences all
the time - by choice...
...so "hitting the middle-ground" has become routine.


From: Jos Flachs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 17:05:52 +0700
Subject: Rockwell?


I got a font problem: for a site I'm working on I'd like to use
rockwell.ttf, in the h1 tag.

Rockwell isn't a standard font, but every windows user has them, and
it is also available for Mac. But I don't know if this font is in the
Mac fontbook. And I'm pretty sure *nix users don't have it at all.

Is it a better solution to use a gif instead? (Most of the visitors
are Windows users.)

Thanks for any advice,

 Jos Flachs                         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Bangkok, Thailand

From: "Matthew Pennell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 10:19:28 +0000
Subject: Re: [WSG] Rockwell?

On Dec 21, 2007 10:05 AM, Jos Flachs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I got a font problem: for a site I'm working on I'd like to use
> rockwell.ttf, in the h1 tag.
> Rockwell isn't a standard font, but every windows user has them, and
> it is also available for Mac. But I don't know if this font is in the
> Mac fontbook. And I'm pretty sure *nix users don't have it at all.

It's not a standard Windows font, I'd be surprised if anyone apart from
designers had it on their systems (unless it is now bundled with Vista?)

Why not use sIFR - the demo even comes with the Rockwell .swf file.

- Matthew

From: Nick Fitzsimons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 10:44:03 +0000
Subject: Re: [WSG] Rockwell?

On 21 Dec 2007, at 10:05, Jos Flachs wrote:

> Hi,
> I got a font problem: for a site I'm working on I'd like to use
> rockwell.ttf, in the h1 tag.
> Rockwell isn't a standard font, but every windows user has them, and
> it is also available for Mac. But I don't know if this font is in the
> Mac fontbook. And I'm pretty sure *nix users don't have it at all.

I don't have Rockwell on any of my Windows installations (Win 95, 98,  
ME, 2000, XP Pro and Server 2003). I do have it on my old PowerMac (I  
can't remember which piece of software it came with), but not on my  
MacBook or MacBook Pro.


Nick Fitzsimons

From: Jos Flachs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 17:41:36 +0700
Subject: Re[2]: [WSG] Rockwell?

> On Dec 21, 2007 10:05 AM, Jos Flachs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I got a font problem: for a site I'm working on I'd like to use
> rockwell.ttf, in the h1 tag.

> Rockwell isn't a standard font, but every windows user has them, and
> it is also available for Mac. But I don't know if this font is in the
> Mac fontbook. And I'm pretty sure *nix users don't have it at all.

> It's not a standard Windows font, I'd be surprised if anyone
> apart from designers had it on their systems (unless it is now
> bundled with Vista?) 

> Why not use sIFR - the demo even comes with the Rockwell .swf file.
I've thinking about that. Search engines cannot read swf files.
Doesn't make any difference if I use a gif of a swf.

Best regards,
 Jos Flachs                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: "Matthew Pennell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 10:58:00 +0000
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [WSG] Rockwell?

On Dec 21, 2007 10:41 AM, Jos Flachs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've thinking about that. Search engines cannot read swf files.
> Doesn't make any difference if I use a gif of a swf.

I don't think you understand what sIFR is. The text is plain HTML, e.g.
<h1>Welcome to my site</h1>. Then it is replaced with a Flash object using

Search engines will just see the semantically rich, accessible text.

- Matthew

From: "Vinicius Vicente de Oliveira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 09:19:39 -0300
Subject: Comment my website


I comment that my website:


http://www.viny.eti.br <http://www.viny.eti.br/> 








From: Jason Pruim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 09:01:40 -0500
Subject: Re: [WSG] Mary-Anne Nayler is out of the office. [SEC=No Protective 
Marking Present]

Somewhat... But the Post Office will get it there! :)

On Dec 21, 2007, at 2:33 AM, Joe Ortenzi wrote:

> I tried sending an email to "Web Site" but got an "address not  
> valid" error!
> ;-)
> Is that like sending a letter to "North Pole" ?
> Joe
> On Dec 21 2007, at 04:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
> wrote:
>> I will be out of the office starting  21/12/2007 and will not  
>> return until
>> 07/01/2008.
>> I will respond to your message when I return. For anything urgent,  
>> please
>> email "Web Site".
>> ********************************************************************************
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>> any action based upon it. If you received this message in error  
>> please notify Medicare Australia immediately. Any views expressed  
>> in this message are those of the individual sender, except where  
>> the sender specifically states them to be the views of Medicare  
>> Australia.
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> Joe Ortenzi
> www.joiz.com
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Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424

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