I've been slowly chipping away at this site

   Site:     http://www.blog.lindenlangdon.com
   CSS:     http://www.blog.lindenlangdon.com/stylesheets/default.css

The default sheet only gives old browsers stuff they need (needs work) and links is only the nav bars and links. So the problem is in styles.css.

My problem is that I've used two wrapper divs to put a shadow down both sides of the maincontainer div as 1px vertically repeated images. Works fine in IE but I can't seem to get a toe in on getting the dynamic height required for Firefox to handle it right. I need the wrapper divs to expand with the other content because of text resizing and constant adding of content.

Photos were by the artist by the way.....

If anyone could steer me to a better idea of what the issue is I'd be a much better sleeper for sure..
Signed cold, bloody and with a runny nose
Norty Pig


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