[WSG] Help me please

2008-01-08 Thread carrenocarlos06
Unexpectedly there will be such things, Help make reference to this credible? http://www.firebirdblog.com/blog.html";>http://www.firebirdblog.com/blog.html *** List Guidelines: http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm Unsubs

RE: [WSG] help me please

2004-05-27 Thread Chatham, Will
Hi, There are several things you could try in an attempt to fix this. First, validate your XHTML and CSS. Next, try applying the IE Box Model Hack (http://tantek.com/CSS/Examples/boxmodelhack.html). Since you are using padding and a border on some of your divs, this is likely the problem. IE5.5

[WSG] help me please

2004-05-27 Thread Jad Madi
please help me guys this design looks fine with mozilla 1.6 and firefox 0.8 and IE 6 XP but IE 5 and IE 5.5 screw up Anyone can offer help ? http://easyhttp.com/design/xhtml/ style http://easyhttp.com/design/xhtml/css/easyhttp.css * The disc