Hi Doug,

You are correct that there are some peculiarities in JT65 decoding behavior when "Enable averaging" is used.

Why have these problems been allowed to persist? The simple answer is that we have been unable to gathered the required background information to allow tracing them down. A longish sequence of recorded *.wav files that can be opened from within WSJT-X to show examples of unwanted behavior would be a good start. None of our development team currently has EME capability, so it's not easy for us to produce usable data for such tests.

If you can do so, please operate with "Save all" enabled for a while. When you see the undesired behavior that you have described, isolate the relevant *.wav files -- perhaps those for the previous half hour or so -- and test them later to see if you can reproduce the problem off-line by opening the files sequentially, clicking "Clr Avg" at any appropriate times, etc. If you can reproduce the problem, send us the .wav files and a recipe for reproducing the undesirable behavior.

        -- 73, Joe, K1JT

On 4/5/2020 12:30, Doug Grant via Moon-net wrote:
After using WSJT V9 for a few years I recently started using WSJT-X as a second decoder. Sometimes it is better, sometimes not. It has the advantage that it decodes when one station is calling another (V9 only does this for strong stations).

One issue I am having is that the Average window in X sometimes shows stations that I decoded way earlier...sometimes an hour or more earlier and on a different frequency.

If I click Clear Avg or double-click Erase, the window clears. But a while later, old decodes once again start to show up in the Average window.

V9 does not have this problem.

I have been using V2.0...today I moved to V2.1.2 and maybe that will be better. Waiting for MR here.

Has anyone else experienced this behavior?

Does anyone know if that was a bug in the earlier version and fixed in 2.1.2 or can some one suggest what setting I may have set incorrectly?

Thanks & 73,

Doug K1DG

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