Tue, 20 Jul 2021 06:18:13 +0000
Conrad PA5Y via wsjt-devel <wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> kirjoitti:

> Hello Jarno. I use an RX/TX sequencer. When I TX the station
> controller/ sequencer takes input from a footswitch (for SSB), WSJT-X
> via a com port to gnd to TX or a Winkeyer.  The sequencer is as
> follows. Relay is energised on RX.
> 1. RX/TX masthead relay
> 2. LNA power
> 3. Transverter (if used)
> 4. PA PTT
> 5. Radio TX
> This way when I TX all bands LNAs are protected. I only operate on
> 6m, 4m,2m, 70cms and 23cms. I can also individually switch the relays
> and LNA voltage off. I run EME on 2m and (soon) 70cms so it is
> important to provide this level of protection.
> I have no RS232 from the sequencer on GND on TX so I use the SS
> input. I had misunderstood the modulation source settings, now all is
> working as expected.
> 73
> Conrad PA5Y


Ok, I didn't figure your purpose... I'm using mostly on HF, try to get
ES now on 6m, but that's highest...
Anyway, good to get things working...


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