pskreporter has an algorithm to identify and filter out most of those bad
spots. However, this can only happen once confirming/disconfirming spot
reports arrive from other monitoring stations. Thus HamSpots will be passed
these bad spots before pskreporter can figure out that they are bad.
Yeah -- RDS is a good analogy (except that it would have to fall within the
audio passband). FT8 because it is good at low signal levels so it might be
possible to not hear it and still have it decodable.
On Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 2:33 PM James Shaver via wsjt-devel <
I think that it would be an interesting experiment to transmit voice on SSB
with a continuous FT8 transmission (maybe at around the 1kHz offset) and
see whether there is a combination of offset & volume difference that makes
the FT8 decodable if the SSB is barely understandable or better, and yet
My understanding of GRAND is that it relies on the fact that the SNR is
high -- which is very much not the case for FT8.
On Tue, Sep 21, 2021 at 3:26 PM Glenn M-H via wsjt-devel <> wrote:
> Hi!
> Please consider using "Guessing Random Additive Noise Deco