Hi Hasan,

I have some questions about the May 5 test run that you may be able to help with. I am copying this message to the wsjt-devel list in the hope that others with useful information might comment, as well.

You are one of six stations that appear in the log of W7/KH7Z three times. I'd like to understand why this happened.

From the Fox diagnostics file kept on AA7A's computer, here are the items relevant to your QSO with W7/KH7Z:

14:30:38  Sel:  N0AN   -24 EN22
14:31:30  Tx1:  K9MM RR73; N0AN <W7/KH7Z> -24
14:32:00  Tx1:  K7EG RR73; N0AN <W7/KH7Z> -24
14:32:30  Tx1:  NR3M RR73; N0AN <W7/KH7Z> -24
14:32:30  Rx:   143215 -21  0.1 1800 ~  KH7Z N0AN R-02
14:33:00  Log:  N0AN    EN22  -24  -02 20m
14:33:00  Tx1:  N0AN RR73; N1RDN <W7/KH7Z> -17
14:33:00  Rx:   143245 -24  0.1  303 ~  KH7Z N0AN R-02
14:33:30  Log:  N0AN    EN22  -24  -02 20m
14:33:30  Tx3:  N0AN RR73; K5CM <W7/KH7Z> +09

15:05:07  Sel:  N0AN   +03 EN22
15:05:30  Tx3:  N0AN KH7Z +03
15:06:00  Tx1:  K2KA RR73; N0AN <W7/KH7Z> +03
15:06:29  Rx:   150615  -3  0.1  301 ~  KH7Z N0AN R-01
15:06:30  Log:  N0AN    EN22  +03  -01 20m
15:06:30  Tx1:  N0AN RR73; N4LV <W7/KH7Z> -06

Fox selected you for his to-be-worked queue at 14:30:38.

Fox sent you a "-24" report at 14:31:30, 14:32:00, and 14:32:30.

Fox decoded your "R-02" response at 14:32:30, just after his transmission has started. Your response was at 1800 Hz; it should have been at 300 Hz. Do you know why? Were you definitely in Hound mode?

Fox logged you and sent RR73 at 14:33:00.

Fox decoded your "R-02" response for a second time at 14:33:00. Again, the decode became available just after his transmission has started.

At 14:33:30 Fox logs you as a dupe and sends RR73 again.

You made a second QSO attempt half an hour later. Ordinarily this would not succeed, by design; but Fox had restarted WSJT-X at 16:48:25, thereby starting with a fresh real-time QSO list. Were you unaware at this time that you had already been logged?

Thanks, in advance, for your help in sorting this out!

        -- 73, Joe, K1JT

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