I write the QST results article for the RTTY Roundup.

The article is only as good as the input I receive from all of you, the
operators that participated.

I'll be asking for your thoughts on the contest when it is over. Stories of
your trials, tribulations, and your successes and milestones. People really
do want to read about this!

Since it is such a hot topic, I'd especially like to hear about your
experiences with FT8. But even if you don't use FT8, regular old RTTY
stories are equally welcome! (I do "mine" stories from 3830 and the
soapbox, so if you post there, I'll get it.)

I'll also be asking for clear, in focus, high resolution photos of your
operation in the contest. Please plan NOW for who is going to take those
pictures and with what good camera. ;) Photos with young people and/or
people operating for the first time usually have a fast track to

I'll do a call for stuff after the contest, you can count on it. ;) And
please forward this as appropriate.

Thanks and 73! jeff wk6i

ps: Thanks to everyone who has emailed me their Green Keys Night
experiences. I will acknowledge them individually soon.

Jeff Stai ~ WK6I ~ wk6i.j...@gmail.com
Ask me about Green Keys Night - Jan 1, 2019 0000-2359 UTC!
RTTY op at W7RN
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
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