Hello Wurfpost!

Welcome to the first Beach Ultimate tournament in Egypt and the first "Pick10" 
tournament in the World!!
What is BUX-1?!
BUX-1 (Beach Ultimate "Pick10" Tournament 2017) is the first of an annual 
string of "Pick10" tournaments in Egypt hosted by Flying Disc Invasion!!! This 
year the tournament will be held in Lazorde Bay 
(https://goo.gl/maps/rY3sFyW3Pqw) in North Coast on the 25th and 26th of August 
2017 (Friday and Saturday). This tournament has been designed for maximum FUN 
on the beach! Players of all level and experience are invited to compete in 
this one-of-a-kind event. Let's go BUX!!!!
Ultimate Frisbee tournaments are usually either team-based or HAT-style 
Team tournaments are where full teams come in packages as committed groups of 
people who have been training together for a long time. A HAT tournament is 
where teams are made up randomly on the spot. This tournament will adapt a new 
concept called Pick10.

For more Info about the tournament, the concept of Pick10 and registration, 
please follow the followng link to the facebook event:

Beach Ultimate - Pick 10<https://www.facebook.com/events/802771849884554/>
Is there a better way to spend your summer than preparing for the first Beach 
Ultimate - Pick10 tournament in #Egypt? Defenitely not! Why is BUX...

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