Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Jan. 25, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


As we go to press on Jan. 17, sources in the imperialist 
governments of Belgium, Britain and the United States are 
claiming that the president of the Congo, Laurent Kabila, 
has been shot and killed by one of his bodyguards. The 
government of the Congo, however, after an emergency cabinet 
meeting, said that Kabila is wounded but alive and receiving 
medical treatment in another country. It announced that his 
son, Gen. Joseph Kabila, would be in charge of the 
government and armed forces temporarily.

Many sources are calling this a coup, one backed in all 
likelihood by Rwanda and Uganda. These two countries invaded 
eastern Congo in the summer of 1998 and have been fighting a 
war there ever since for control of the rich mineral 
resources in the area.

This explanation barely scratches the surface, however. The 
cause of the world's biggest war, involving at least seven 
countries, goes far beyond the battlegrounds in central 
Africa. The 1.7 million estimated deaths and millions of 
refugees are casualties not just of a regional power 
struggle but of a vicious subterranean war among the 
insatiable imperialist powers.

In particular, the U.S., France and Britain are hell-bent on 
carving up Africa again after a period in which the African 
people, with the support of the socialist countries, fought 
to achieve some measure of independence from colonial and 
imperialist domination.

The Congo is cursed with great wealth. That attracted 
Belgium's rulers, who murdered and maimed millions during 
the colonial period. In the 1950s an independence movement 
arose. The Congo's first elected president, Patrice Lumumba, 
was murdered in 1961 by soldiers in cahoots with the CIA. 
U.S. capital has played a big role in the Congo since early 
in the 20th century when the Rockefellers began exploiting 
the minerals there.

The news media in the imperialist countries are generally 
branding Kabila a "failed dictator," as though his problem 
comes from the Congolese people. However, an Associated 
Press story from Kinshasa on Jan. 17 admitted what his real 
problem was: he had been "angering investors" by not 
agreeing to a power-sharing formula with Rwanda and Uganda. 
The Western media have been referring to the conflict as a 
civil war, even though they also admit that opposition 
groups in eastern Congo are little more than fronts for 
these two countries.

Rwanda and Uganda have both received much attention and 
military support from Washington in recent years. They are 
regarded in Africa as being aligned with U.S. ambitions, 
especially in the Congo.

Kabila, on the other hand, has been receiving support from 
Angola and Zimbabwe--both countries that fought hard for 
their independence and are trying to keep control over their 
own rich resources.

Bush's new secretary of state, Gen. Colin Powell, has said 
he wants to pay more attention to Africa. There is no benign 
"attention" from imperialism. Plunder and domination are 
built into any relationship forged by this predatory 
economic and military power. The movement must demand now 
more than ever: U.S. hands off Africa!

The only attention the U.S. should pay to Africa is 
reparations for the monstrous slave trade and extraction of 
resources that have enriched the U.S. ruling class.

- END -

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