
I am trying to display UTF-8 text in a richtext field using the following code:

my $font = Wx::Font->new( $font_size, wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL,

But when I run the program, it appears a nice window with the following message:

Wx::SimpleApp: unknown encoding
No font for displaying text in encoding 'Unicode 8 bit (UTF-8)' found.
Would you like to select a font to be used for this encoding (otherwise the text in this encoding will not be shown correctly)?
Yes No

And if I press the button Yes, I can choose one of the fonts I have installed. I've seen that some of them have the name "Unicode" in their names, for example "Arial Unicode MS" so I replaced the font name "Verdana" in the code above with "Arial Unicode MS".

But no luck. If I run the program again, the same message appears.

I am running Perl 14.2 under Windows XP Pro with WxPerl 0.9904.

Until now I used the constant wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM and the program worked fine without appearing that window that promps for the font, but of course, the UTF-8 chars were displaying as squares.

Please tell me what I am doing wrong.



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