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Edit Summary: moved X2Go Events of 2013 to their own sub-page
User        : stefanbaur

====X2Go Events of 2013====

=== X2GoHackTrain 2013 (2013-09-15) ===

Sadly, neither Heinz nor Alex were able to make it to the 2013 event, but Mihai 
was back, and Mihai and Stefan were joined by a few fellow Linux/X2Go 
enthusiasts from [[http://www.lihas.de|LinuxHaus Stuttgart]]. This time, we had 
the entire dining car for ourselves as our rolling party location, and after 
having lunch in the station diner again, we got a guided tour around the 
stables and horses of the
[[http://www.gestuet-marbach.de/pb/,Lde/Startseite/Service/English+Site|state-run stud farm.]] It seems that nobody remembered to take pictures, though. :-(

=== DebConf 2013 ===

 on X2Go]] (Alternative YT link: 
[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGOjrvrd-bg]]) by Mike Gabriel (August 2013)

=== Google Summer or Code 2013 ===
The X2Go Project did not get accepted for GSOC2013 :-(

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