Hello together,

after last messages on x2go-user mailing list I plan to try to integrate
live-build-x2go into https://netboot.xyz/
I need place where we can place kernel, initrd and squashfs ~200M ,  so that it
should not run to timeouts on another side of the earth. Maybe it's
rational to make extra subdomain for it like boot.x2go.org and maybe
mirror it to CDN. What do you think about it? Where would be the best
hosting place for it?

As a benefit x2go-users can use linux x2goclient if a main system is not
running (or just for tests), but they have internet access and can boot floppy, 
cd, usb or just
bootloader entry with netboot.xyz.lkrn (ipxe) or maybe netboot setup
with tftp onside. On very modern systems it can be UEFI entry for

Best Regards,
Juri Grabowski
x2go-dev mailing list

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