this is really strange...

On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 10:37 PM James Bowery <> wrote:
> The problem disappeared as mysteriously as it appeared.
> On Sat, Jul 17, 2021 at 11:55 PM James Bowery <> wrote:
>> Connection started failing.   I'm not seeing the problem in the logs.
>> NXPROXY - Version 3.5.0
>> Copyright (C) 2001, 2010 NoMachine.
>> See for more information.
>> Info: Proxy running in client mode with pid '14776'.
>> Session: Starting session at 'Sat Jul 17 23:45:49 2021'.
>> Info: Connecting to remote host 'localhost:32065'.
>> Info: Connection to remote proxy 'localhost:32065' established.
>> Info: Connection with remote proxy completed.
>> Warning: Unrecognized session type 'unix-kde-depth_32'. Assuming agent 
>> session.
>> Warning: Failed to read data from the X auth command.
>> Warning: Generated a fake cookie for X authentication.
>> Info: Using ADSL link parameters 512/24/1/0.
>> Info: Using cache parameters 4/4096KB/8192KB/8192KB.
>> Info: Using pack method '16m-jpeg-9' with session 'unix-kde-depth_32'.
>> Info: Using ZLIB data compression 1/1/32.
>> Info: Using ZLIB stream compression 4/4.
>> Info: No suitable cache file found.
>> Info: Forwarding X11 connections to display 'localhost:0'.
>> Session: Session started at 'Sat Jul 17 23:45:53 2021'.
>> Info: Established X server connection.
>> Info: Using shared memory parameters 0/0K.
>> Warning: No data received from remote proxy within 30 seconds.
>> x2go-WARNING-1> English language requested, not loading translator.
>> x2go-WARNING-1> English language requested, not loading translator.
>> SERVER LOG (syslog):
>> Jul 17 23:52:22 ML systemd[1]: Started Session 9 of user jabowery.
>> Jul 17 23:52:27 ML /usr/sbin/x2gocleansessions[1496]: 
>> jabowery-51-1626583946_stDXFCE_dp32: state file for this session does not 
>> exist: /tmp/.x2go-jabowery/C-jabowery-51-1626583946_stDXFCE_dp32/state (this 
>> can be ignored during session startups)
>> Jul 17 23:52:27 ML dbus-daemon[1853]: [session uid=1000 pid=1853] Activating 
>> via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.Tracker1' 
>> unit='tracker-store.service' requested by ':1.2' (uid=1000 pid=1844 
>> comm="/usr/libexec/tracker-miner-fs " label="unconfined")
>> Jul 17 23:52:27 ML systemd[1803]: Starting Tracker metadata database store 
>> and lookup manager...
>> Jul 17 23:52:27 ML dbus-daemon[1853]: [session uid=1000 pid=1853] 
>> Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.Tracker1'
>> Jul 17 23:52:27 ML systemd[1803]: Started Tracker metadata database store 
>> and lookup manager.
>> Jul 17 23:52:27 ML /usr/bin/x2gostartagent: successfully started X2Go Agent 
>> session with ID jabowery-51-1626583946_stDXFCE_dp32
>> Jul 17 23:52:34 ML /usr/bin/x2goruncommand: launching session with 
>> Xsession-x2go mechanism, using STARTUP="xfce4-session"
>> Jul 17 23:52:34 ML /usr/bin/x2goruncommand: dbus wrapper available as 
>> /usr/bin/dbus-run-session
>> Jul 17 23:52:35 ML /usr/bin/x2gomountdirs[10480]: successfully mounted 
>> jabowery@ to 
>> /tmp/.x2go-jabowery/spool/C-jabowery-51-1626583946_stDXFCE_dp32
>> Jul 17 23:53:04 ML tracker-store[10388]: OK
>> Jul 17 23:53:04 ML systemd[1803]: tracker-store.service: Succeeded.
>> Jul 17 23:53:04 ML /usr/bin/x2gosetkeyboard: 
>> /home/jabowery/.x2go/C-jabowery-51-1626583946_stDXFCE_dp32/keyboard did not 
>> appear within 30s after agent startup
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