On Mon, 30 Apr 2001 12:44:50 -0700
Tom Bradford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Retrieving a pre-existing Collection doesn't make any assumptions about
> how the Collection is stored, just as SELECT * FROM SOME_RESOURCE
> doesn't make any assumptions as to whether SOME_RESOURCE is a TABLE or a
> VIEW based on the join results of many TABLES.  But you can't create a
> VIEW that in turn produces DDL to create several dependent TABLES.
> Mapping relational to XML can get very hairy.  You can either take the
> Ari Krupnikov approach and say "Screw Mapping from a pre-existing set of
> tables, and just use the tables that I'm creating to persist a DOM", you
> can just treat a TABLE as a single-level Document source, or you can map
> one to many normalized tables into a single logical XML hierarchy.  All
> of those can be exposed by a driver as a Collection, but actually
> creating one of those Collection scenarios is a bit more complex than
> just calling createCollection.

Tom, thanks for your explanations. :-) I now see what you mean. See my
answer to Kimbros posting.

Lars Martin                                    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
SMB GmbH                                        http://www.smb-tec.com

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