Re: [Xastir] Washington state shapefiles

2007-04-07 Thread Mike Fenske
Lance Cotton wrote: Looks like it could be stateplane projection in feet. Instructions on using ogr2ogr to transform shapefiles here: Read it carefully. If your shapefiles have a .prj file with them, that might define the projection and you would

Re: [Xastir] Washington state shapefiles

2007-04-07 Thread Lance Cotton
Mike Fenske wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/maps/shape/washington> shpinfo shore_polygon.shp Info for shore_polygon.shp Polygon(5), 1914 Records in file File Bounds: ( 0, 0) (1449837.052,1383059.721) Is there anyway to convert this (eg with org2org) so Xastir

[Xastir] Washington state shapefiles

2007-04-07 Thread Mike Fenske
I am working on getting some shapefiles for Washington state set up for use with Xastir. I have downloaded this shoreline map: Xastir returns this error when indexing maps: convert_to_xastir_coordinates:Longitude out-of-range (too high):4