On Sat, 5 Jul 2008, Curt, WE7U wrote:
On Sat, 5 Jul 2008, Mitch wrote:
Installed June 26 2008 version of XASTIR 1.9.3, it compiled OK with
It seems it cannot handle *.jpg correctly. The X server has been set to 16
bit colour as suggested in the FAQ.
Black images are an
compiled with the correct options.
Try ImageMagick instead to see if that might work. Maybe the
package maintainers got the correct configure options for that one.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people wh
called Track point files..
We don't have any Ozi-specific code or scripts.
I can think of two ways:
1) Write a SED or Perl script to do a translation into a file Xastir
can understand.
2) Use Ozi to send the file to a GPS and then use Xastir/GPSMan to
receive the data from the GPS.
On Thu, 3 Jul 2008, Curt, WE7U wrote:
> Check this thread out:
> http://www.nedit.org/pipermail/discuss/2002-October/003364.html
> Sound familiar?
> Are you running with Lesstif or OpenMotif?
Found documentation regarding XmFontListCreate being obsoleted:
Check this thread out:
Sound familiar?
Are you running with Lesstif or OpenMotif?
"Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows: Microsoft's tax on
The delay from committing something to CVS until it showed up in
anonCVS this morning was:
CVS: 06:12:25
anonCVS: 06:21:55
A bit more than I thought it'd be.
"Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
rs just before/after the
crash. I suppose I should have asked whether it crashes
consistently or whether that was a one-time occurrence.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
> Error: Cannot perform calloc
We have a bunch of these calls. Can you start up like the below and
see what's nearby in the output text?
xastir -v 2047 &
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A t
of the Help menu. "Draw".
> Clicking middle mouse button gives me a zoom out.
Not when you have the Draw button enabled.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
27;t see those either. I'll do some hunting around the code and
my X11 books to see what I can find out.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft's tax o
On Wed, 2 Jul 2008, Curt, WE7U wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Jul 2008, Jim Tolbert wrote:
> > Is anyone working on adding the DAO extended-precision construct to XASTIR?
> > There were messages from last fall talking about it, but nothing since.
> I have a patch for it
time to do so. It's a decode-only patch.
If someone wants to integrate it into current CVS code and test it
out, I'll send it to you. Verify that it works and send me a note
and any tweaks you needed to do to integrate it with the latest
code. I'll commit it to
tional formating,
> when values hit thresholds, they could change the appearance and information
> in the object.
I don't know OOCalc, but yea, that's the kind of thing I'd like to
eventually aim for. If we're the right tool for the job at that
Curt, WE7U.
ort them, and correctly.
> How do I use the mouse pointer menu entries for object/item create
> and modify?
What's the specific problem you're having. I've used these quite a
bit. Be aware that many APRS programs
On Tue, 1 Jul 2008, Curt, WE7U wrote:
> Now in current CVS we have: "File->Configure->Fonts"
The remaining changes to allow the "Menu" font to be used throughout
the application have been committed to CVS. They should be in
anonCVS within a
On Mon, 30 Jun 2008, Alex Carver wrote:
> --- On Sun, 6/29/08, Curt, WE7U wrote:
> > On Sat, 28 Jun 2008, Alex Carver wrote:
> >
> > > Well I was wrong, even using Fluxbox the system locked up again
> > > while attempting to download the radar image. It see
s for each field based on
your current selections for all the other fields. It's like a big
filter for fonts. Change back to '*' for some fields to widen your
choices for other fields. "xfontsel" takes some getting used to.
Have fun!
Curt, WE7U.
ay be a bug
in your wget or libcurl (whichever you're using).
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world
ystem and what they look like.
Hopefully later I or someone else can either add a new font
selection dialog for them, or add them to the font selection dialog
for the map fonts. At that point you won't have to hand-edit the
config file to change these.
Curt, WE7U.
On Thu, 26 Jun 2008, Steve Friis wrote:
> > The fix is
> > in CVS and in the July 26th development snapshot. Just in time for
> > Field Day!
> So, we have to wait until JULY??? ;-)
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
or browse Release Notes and ChangeLog by visiting this link:
Homepage: <http://www.xastir.org>
This release fixes some font problems people have been having w
#define LCD640x480TOUCH
#define REPLAY_DELAY 0
#define ARROWS 1
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
;ve been playing musical chairs with
distributions... Hopefully this fix will increase the number of
Linux distributions that will work out-of-the-box for you.
I'll try to bump out another development snapshot shortly.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
what we want.
Story of my life. Hadn't heard that one before. I like it!
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE
On Wed, 25 Jun 2008, Curt, WE7U wrote:
> I'm looking to test another fix for the font problem.
Tested, fixed, committed to CVS.
After an upgrade from SuSE 10.3 to 11.0, this laptop ended up with
boxes instead of text showing on all the Xastir menus. Main.c has
been tweaked to fix that
small $$. Some of them may be able to do 300 baud as well.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES rev
Anyone traveling near Mt. Vernon, WA this weekend is welcome to stop
by. The site is NW of Mt. Vernon, just south of Hwy20, and listed
on the ARRL Field Day map.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who
ak than usual. It's normal
for memory use to grow over time. Filtering the internet feeds by
radius slows this down greatly.
"top" and then typing 'M' will show processes sorted by resident
memory use.
I've seen ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick take extraordinary amo
x27;t duplicate that
configuration right now so I'm afraid I won't be of much more help.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft's tax on computer i
On Wed, 25 Jun 2008, Curt, WE7U wrote:
> Installing these two packages appeared to fix fonts for Xastir
> w/OpenSUSE-11.0:
> fonttools
> terminus-font
> I suspected it was the latter that fixed the problem so I removed
> that RPM and restarted Xastir. Fon
On Wed, 25 Jun 2008, Curt, WE7U wrote:
> I had removed a LOT of packages on that machine before the 11.0
> upgrade in order to free up enough space. Perhaps there were some
> font packages available in 10.x that aren't in 11.x? I did a search
> in YaST for font packages
, so I'll try to
solve this problem on the one before I cause the problem on more. I
have one 11.0 box working so I should be able to compare installed
packages between the two.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A t
ely a far cry from KDE.
I've been meaning to check out some of the newer "light" window
managers, but haven't gotten around to it yet. Fluxbox is one I've
heard of.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
type d -exec chmod ugo+x {} \;
A quick look at the man page for chmod tells me that there's now an
'X' option that should handle this, so something like this would be
much easier than the "find" command above:
chmod -R a+X maps
I haven't tried that last but as
t to accommodate the
> folks unfamiliar with Linux/Unix. I see that we are assuming a few things we
> shouldn't in the explanation.
I added more explicit instructions to both scripts, but there's only
so much Unix edumacation one should do in script comments.
Nick: If you're still
in /usr/local/lib/xastir/, but that might be a
different place on a Mac.
These require Perl5 or better to be installed/working on the box
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax
On Tue, 24 Jun 2008, Curt, WE7U wrote:
> APRS Objects are being posted to the APRS-IS by Winlink. I tried to
> get station info on a Canadian callsign and noticed the "FCC" button
> lit up instead of the "RAC" button. This is because the originating
> "stat
and have something entirely different in the packet callsign field.
You can also identify the stations with NO path at all, yet send
weather or posits over longer paths. That's legal too although
probably not with the spirit of amateur cooperation.
It's always good to know where
nadian callsign.
Very confusing!
Xastir sees the "A" in the origination station field and assumes a
U.S. callsign posted the object.
I'd rather not do this:
Add a special-case to look for "APWL2K" in the originating station
field: If found use the Object name as
as well?
If you're use the "soundmodem" driver in Linux to do a software TNC
function, then you can select the baud rate and tones via the
"soundmodemconfig" program for that audio channel.
When you use external hardware like an OT1+, the RF baud rate and
tones are determ
r 3D settings.
I guess you'd call me an old Unix hack: I don't much like KDE or
Gnome, so I use FVWM2. I like the system to _jump_ when I click a
mouse, not take it's time dilly-dallying around.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
On Mon, 23 Jun 2008, Curt, WE7U wrote:
> I have Xastir running under OpenSuSE-11.0, upgraded from a 10.0
> system. It has the usual problem with the OpenMotif slider widgets
> not being labeled (known Motif bug), but other than that it looks
> good. My fonts are fine.
> I
. It has the usual problem with the OpenMotif slider widgets
not being labeled (known Motif bug), but other than that it looks
good. My fonts are fine.
I upgraded it using the "Network" CD. That's much nicer now in 11.0
as you don't have to do any hand configuration of the remote
> interface at start-up.
Soundmodem can also be configured as a serial KISS TNC, in which
case the usual permissions for the port apply. In this case you can
only attach one program to it at a time. If it's configured as an
AX.25 port, multiple programs
etup a serial TNC that talks to a telnet port rather than a /dev/ttySx
> port?
AGWPE on Windows. Xastir can talk to it. It can talk to a serial
TNC, or do the soundcard stuff itself.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
so in this region), Xastir
> NEVER gates them anymore, and it used to.
I don't igate, so haven't noticed that. It's possible I or someone
else broke that quite a while back. I don't think that part of the
code has been worked on in some months, but the Changelog should
t of the comment answers the question I had.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve aro
old and we shouldn't read them in at all. I'm
not sure whether we do that now: I'd have to look at the code.
If you don't run Xastir often and it doesn't check the timestamps on
those logfiles, the best option would be to turn off "WX Alert
That was fast. Wasn't 11.0 just released yesterday???
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 17:43:15 +0200
From: Tim Fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [opensuse-ham] Ham Radio Packages for openSUSE 11.0 //
;re otherwise being
transmitted after they expired.
Kill Xastir, remove those files, and restart. If they appear again
sometime soon, somebody is sending them out.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people
't 'cuz I believed
it would not solve the problem. Figures...
More than likely the last person that had the problem solved it the
same way and posted the solution too. If not, perhaps they'll solve
it now.
Glad you got it solved!
Curt, WE7U. arche
fault somewhere
See if Station Info for one of the mobiles in question shows more
than one point in the list of positions.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft
for live mobiles not showing up, right?
You're not talking about sucking down the trail from findu? That
was broken for some period of time and you'll have to get the latest
Xastir code for it to work again.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
t; im also not getting any trails on Mobiles since i upgraded to Mar version
Check your settings. Station->Filter Display->Display Trail
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unkn
the suggestion. Done. New subscribers will get some
text that describes this operation.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. -
messages in the xterm you start Xastir from to see if it's doing
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
default is to send to the list, you may have to manually edit the
"To:" field.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft's tax on computer illiterat
;NWS_APRS: logsheet APRS
> Net diposting pd milis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> sscanf parsed 1/3 values in alert.c
Someone apparently sending NWS weather data, but in an incorrect
format ("NWS_"). Not an Xastir error, but an info message letting
you know som
d it has worked for me.
Are you having a problem with the new URL in Xastir?
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
time later for feature requests.
C U there!
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve aroun
slack directory in Slackware, but
if there is, that might be a good way to go.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft's tax on computer illi
. :-(
We're trying to get the Mindstorms software running under VirtualBox
now but can't get the USB IR tower to show through to Windows. If
that fails we'll try VMWare Server (also free) because one boy has
only Linux on his box now.
Curt, WE7U. archer
ersion. You'll be much happier with that over
Cygwin. It runs much faster and you'll have a running system right
out of the box. It'll take a bit of disk space though, and some
Curt, WE7U. arc
hat OS
and flavor you're running.
On this OpenSuSE-10.3 Linux, it's called xorg-x11-devel
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft's tax on computer i
; I'm game for contributing the mods and maintaining them.
'splain. Let me know what your ideas are, whether adding them to
the Xastir sources somewhere as helper scripts for such a
configuration, or contributing them to Lee & Tom for their possible
future inclus
On Wed, 11 Jun 2008, Curt, WE7U wrote:
> Try either of these:
> /opt/Xastir/bin/xastir &
> or
> cd /opt/Xastir/bin
> ./xastir &
There are several more ways to make it easier to run Xastir from
non-path locations. Probably more yet that I won
tem, you'll have to move that out of the way so that the
paths gets set right in the config file when you run Xastir.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft
ges before,
mostly due to the Tigermap server being slow, with no ill effects.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7
f Lee knows the answer perhaps he'll pipe in before then, but
> regardless I'll double check tonight and see.
Rgr. Thanks!
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
n of the appliance?
I'd _love_ to see the runlevel stuff described above combined with
the VM Lee just did (and Tom tweaked). That'd be a heck of a nice
system for beginners and for EOC/SAR/Public Event operators.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
nt it to me for testing, and
> I updated it with the very latest VMware tools available in VMware
> Workstation.
All very cool stuff!
Does this VM support updating Xastir code from
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
t;Installation Notes" link on the next page.
"Mac OSX" links.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. -
the clipping.
If you're not getting clipping even with them in there, then
libgeotiff may have been compiled without libproj support.
It's imperative that you compile the libraries in the correct order.
See the INSTALL document.
Curt, WE7U.
On Mon, 9 Jun 2008, Alex Carver wrote:
> Is there a way to force the use of wget without recompiling? I
> compiled using libcurl.
Change permissions on /usr/include/curl directory or on
/usr/include/curl/curl.h file to 000. Configure will then miss it.
those and Xastir is waiting for them to return?
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve a
or browse Release Notes and ChangeLog by visiting this link:
Homepage: <http://www.xastir.org>
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot
On Mon, 9 Jun 2008, Mitch wrote:
> Does anyone have handy a link to the site from a DL Ham who does
> googlemaps and a 24 hr track?
The ones I know about are on info.aprs.net under the "Internet
Servers" link? (in the table).
Curt, WE7U. archer a
kups. I know that's not very close to the problem system
reported, but it's what I have to work with/debug with.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft
coming up.
Remind us what OS, version, and window manager you're using. Maybe
somebody else has the same setup and can say whether they do/don't
have the same problem.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax o
and then it just stops
> responding.
You might open up "top" in a window and watch it while Xastir is
locked up. See if ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick is taking all your CPU
at that point. Does the mouse come back after the updated map
appears on your screen?
Curt, WE7U.
r, that Xastir is locking up after a period of
> time and it seems to be doing it during a map reload.
> Specifically it's locking up when I download a radar image from
> the NWS. Works fine for a while and then it just stops
> responding.
Check DNS: /etc/resolv.conf
Name it whatever you wish. When Xastir exits, the next line will
get run. Change the port to whatever port you're using.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on pe
server before I start xastir:
> Or I get an error when I start xastir:
Actually a warning. If you don't normally use Festival (speech)
from within Xastir, don't start it, and ignore that warning. It
won't hurt anything.
Curt, WE7U. archer
What version of Xastir are you running? Do other online maps work
for you? Does anything show up on the xterm you started Xastir from
when you try to load these maps? Have either "wget" or "libcurl"
compiled into Xastir?
Curt, WE7U. arc
be most of
> the time.
> Anyone see any potential issues with this setup?
Normally you'd set up tnc-startup.d700 and tnc-stop.d700 as the
start/stop files in the Interface->Properties serial port setup in
Xastir, and let Xastir do the beaconing for th
k into
normal command mode.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:
o be what it is telling you.
> >checking for GraphicsMagick/magick/api.h... yes
> >checking for WriteImage in -lGraphicsMagick... yes
Does it then tell you in the summary that it will use
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Libcurl is better for our purposes than wget, but either should
You'll need to do the "./configure;make;make install" bit again to
have Xastir pick them up.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax
alled before you compile libgeotiff,
plus the version of libgeotiff must have the right libtiff to work
with. Details are in the INSTALL file.
> Any suggestions besides "load linux"??
Bad idea. OSX is Unix, just as good as Linux.
Curt, WE7U. archer
and stretch the map into unprojected or lat/lon
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES re
the DVD's, CD's, or files off
their hard drive. There are at least 4 or 5 people around mostly
western WA that should have them.
Yet another possibility: If you're near UW you should be able to go
to the library on campus and copy the CD's. They might have them
before that installed in a different spot.
Normally (if you compile Xastir yourself) maps go in
/usr/local/share/xastir/maps and subdirectories below that. If it's
a pre-compiled Xastir binary it may be looking in
/usr/share/xastir/maps or /opt/Xastir/share/xastir/maps
--- take this port!!!*
>The port number on which Oww listens for connexions from clients
>using the Arne Henriksen format. Set this to 0 to turn off this server.
It should be one of the above two ports. I think the 2nd one.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot c
for IM/IM-devel
and will set up Xastir to use IM if found.
We generally prefer GM over IM because of inconsistencies that we've
had with IM in the past. Better to get GM in there if you can, so
check your config.log file and let us know what you find.
Curt, WE7U.
On Thu, 29 May 2008, kim wrote:
> What is meant by "XASTIR will cycle through one of them at each
> transmission time."
> If three paths are entered, does it randomly chose one of the three?
Round-robin, through any slots that are filled in. Skips those that
are emp
W daemon. I don't recall which port number OWW
uses, so you'll need to look at the OWW docs to find out.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft's
imestamp than the last reindex you did, so "Reindex New Maps"
which depends on timestamps may skip those files.
Xastir has Shapelib support built-in, so if you don't Shapelib
loaded in your OS, Xastir uses it's own private version. Should
work just fine.
Curt, WE7U.
a circle). File->Configure->Station
Tell Xastir you're a fixed station sending weather
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknow
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ socket: bind failed
A bit of background info: This often means that something else has
already bound to the socket, probably another instance of festival,
so the restart command will kill the old one and start a new one.
Curt, WE7U. archer
you end up timing out.
The repository I have listed here, which I did a successful "cvs
stat" against this morning, is the same as you have listed in the
command above, plus it matches the text in the README.CVS file.
I've noticed that the anon server has been slow to respond r
201 - 300 of 1190 matches
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