That is correct about looking for the map sets. I was going to update my
map set that I have here.
Anyway, I installed the older set for now. I can always update later
when they are available.
73 from 807,
Richard, N6NKO
Gerry Creager wrote:
They took a disk hit and the last time I
They took a disk hit and the last time I heard, were NOT back up. I'll
try to call again on Monday. I wanted to suck his maps down to, where we've plenty of disk space now to host maps. It's
an anonymnous FTP away.
Tom Russo wrote:
On Sat, Jan 27, 2007 at 06:30:33PM -0
On Sat, Jan 27, 2007 at 06:30:33PM -0800, we recorded a bogon-computron
collision of the <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> flavor, containing:
> On Sat, 27 Jan 2007, Richard, N6NKO wrote:
> > 1.8.5 is running just fine here. One question though... is
> > up
> > still? I was getting timeouts
On Sat, 27 Jan 2007, Richard, N6NKO wrote:
> 1.8.5 is running just fine here. One question though... is up
> still? I was getting timeouts accessing the server this morning.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Long time, no talk.
I had to leave my beloved Slack 11 for Fedora 6. Needed to run Audacity
and I could not get it to work at all on Slack along with some Gnome apps.
So, BigBox is running Fedora 6 and Xastir-1.8.5 with two square eyeballs
and soon to have three square eyes looking at me. Thi