I'm hoping to demo Xastir at our local Hamfest in September  - I thought
about how to do it - the location of the hamfest is quite possibly the worst
radio location in this area (worse than mine and that's saying something
(for V/UHF) - so an RF feed  maybe useless - I looked for an alternative..

I wondered about the log file - just replaying it back.. Having run an
internet link at work for Xastir I have a 700meg log I can let run and
should provide entertainment most of the day but if anything there is too
much going on (even using my tnc.log from home) - I wonder if there is any
way of slowing down the playback?

I was using File -> open log -> then chose a log file to open.

Any ideas?


G6VSG used on Echolink
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