Re: [Xastir] Ireland Weather Map.

2008-01-15 Thread Curt, WE7U
On Fri, 11 Jan 2008, John Ronan wrote: > From reading the docs, i know I should be able to make the 'blue' of > the sea and the green of the land transparent. README.MAPS: TRANSPARENT: Color to remove from the background (make it transparent). Use a number, 0=black. Color-mapped images

Re: [Xastir] Ireland Weather Map.

2008-01-11 Thread John Ronan
On 11 Jan 2008, at 12:54, Gerry Creager wrote: That's the extent of the software's capability. I have recently seen a problem, however, with accuracy of the geolocation and I'm hoping to troubleshoot it soon. If I can ever get past a proposal submission, and travel. gerry Thanks Gerry

[Xastir] Ireland Weather Map.

2008-01-11 Thread John Ronan
Dumb question. Am I doing this right? It seems to be roughly in the right place etc.. # # $Id: IrishMET.geo,v 1.5 2006/12/01 21:47:11 we7u Exp $ # #US Composite Radar image (Unidata/LDM/Gempak) n5jxs 2003 08 25 # Modified for accuracy, comments: n5jxs 2004 03 15 1400UTC # # If you want to get