Using OGR, it handles considerably more than shapefiles. Using GDAL, it
handles a significant number of rasters and georeferences them.
Next question? Note that the radar WMS data are served via a Mapserver
instance. I use PostGIS for some of the geo-data, instead of shapes,
shapes for oth
It serves both... and WCS, as well as SOS.
Curt Mills wrote:
On Mon, 30 Oct 2006, Stephen Brown Jr wrote:
I found out about this today:
And I have seen it in action many times over and not even realized it! My
company uses this for an application we run.
From what I've read (although it's been a while) the UMN mapserver uses
basic shapefile data from ERSI. It's no different from using the built
in shapefile support.
Dick R. - KC8OBZ
Curt Mills wrote:
On Mon, 30 Oct 2006, Stephen Brown Jr wrote:
I found out about this today:
On Mon, 30 Oct 2006, Stephen Brown Jr wrote:
> I found out about this today:
> And I have seen it in action many times over and not even realized it! My
> company uses this for an application we run.
> Here's my question, I am a complete newbie when it come
Actually, there's several ways. Easiest: take the Xastir output and
drive a database with position and timestamp info, and then plot it on
Mapserver. Not always what you'd want but it's certainly effective.
Alternative B) is to download AE5PL's JavAPRSsrvr code... the stuff that
drives the A
I found out about this today:
And I have seen it in action many times over and not even realized it! My
company uses this for an application we run.
Here's my question, I am a complete newbie when it comes to mapping software
etc. How could something like this be u