Forgot the HowTo VMware in the Wiki has an example of forcing the serial
port to a specific com port. This copy/paste from the Wiki sets the 2nd
serial port to COM4.
serial1.present = "TRUE"
serial1.filename = "COM4"
serial1.autodetect = "FALSE"
On 8/3/07, Lee Bengston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
Oops, there were comment markers (#) in the example in my last message. I
deleted them below.
On 8/3/07, Lee Bengston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If using VMware Player, you'll have to edit the ".vmx" file with a text
> editor. The vmx file will be in the "My Virtual Machines" directory or
On 8/2/07, Jason Winningham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On On Aug 2, 2007, at 8:31 AM, Jim Tolbert wrote:
> > _*The downside is that VMplayer only allows for one serial port.*_
> This is wrong. I've used two, one for the radio and one for the GPS.
> The xastir vm may only have one ser
On On Aug 2, 2007, at 8:31 AM, Jim Tolbert wrote:
_*The downside is that VMplayer only allows for one serial port.*_
This is wrong. I've used two, one for the radio and one for the GPS.
The xastir vm may only have one serial port _configured_ out of the
box (er, zip file?), but it's cert
On Thu, 2 Aug 2007, Kirk Mefford wrote:
> Others that are more familiar with the VMware setup might have other ideas
> but
> Since it is being run from a windows machine, you could also run SV2AGW
> packet engine to handle multiple TNC's then have Xastir connect to it via
Yep. Al
ailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Jim Tolbert
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 8:31 AM
Subject: [Xastir] Questions about Xastir running under VMplayer
Hi, all.
While I am working on trying get set up with Xastir & Garmin Rinos (BUT I
Hi, all.
While I am working on trying get set up with Xastir & Garmin Rinos (BUT I CAN"T
FIND ANY TO BORROW FOR FIELD TESTS!!!), a colleague is working on a setup of Xastir with
a TNC, radios and trackers. His first approach was using VMplayer and here is his
report. Any solution to