On 29 Jul 2007, at 15:21, Gerry Creager wrote:
You have a little homework. You'll have to snag it using a
correctly built .geofile. The image alone is here:http://www.met.ie/
You then have to get the coordinates of the image corners and try
to determine if it
You have a little homework. You'll have to snag it using a correctly
built .geofile. The image alone is
You then have to get the coordinates of the image corners and try to
determine if it's projected in a polar stereographic form, as so man
Hi, John!
If I were you, I'd make a script in cron.hourly that would wget picture
and save it into directory where you have Xastir pictures. Only thing
left to do is to force Xastir to reload maps.
Here's what I'd do:
cd /where/you/have/pics/
wget -r http://www.met.ie/weathermaps/lat
I wonder if one of you guys could give me a pointer as to how I could
grab the image in
and attempt to make it a transparent overlay for xastir?
Any thoughts appreciated.
de John
John Ronan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, +353-51-30