It's been a while since I uploaded a package, plus we switched to the new 
Sourceforge system a couple of weeks back.

My script to release a development snapshot worked, but the file appeared at the bottom 
of the "Files" page and there is no way to move it into the proper subdirectory 
from the web interface.

They have a new method to get into Sourceforge with a shell (if a developer has 
been granted that access).  I created an alias like this to get in.  It took a 
minute or two until I actually had a shell:

    alias sshxastir='ssh -t we7u, create'

After that, the important bits are here.  I created symlinks in my account 
there as follows:

    ln -s /home/user-web/we7u userweb   # Web pages
    ln -s /home/frs/project/xastir      # Files

Curt, WE7U.
APRS in Search and Rescue:
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