The branch, dharma has been updated
       via  6c5a4260a68e761aa36d30e2bd9c69cabee7bd92 (commit)
      from  3eda49bbbfce1f16f4d6080ce36ca18482a9e710 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------;a=commit;h=6c5a4260a68e761aa36d30e2bd9c69cabee7bd92

commit 6c5a4260a68e761aa36d30e2bd9c69cabee7bd92
Author: spiff <>
Date:   Tue Sep 6 16:17:45 2011 +0200

    [] updated to version 2.0.2

diff --git a/ 
index 304ad65..9e53fbe 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ import xbmcgui
 import cgi

 import socket

 import xbmcaddon



 # plugin constants

 __plugin__ = ""

 __author__ = "nmazz64"

 __url__ = "";

 __svn_url__ = 

 __useragent__ = "QuickTime/7.6.5 (qtver=7.6.5;os=Windows NT 5.1Service Pack 3)"

-__version__ = "2.0.1"

-__svn_revision__ = "$Revision: 3$"

+__version__ = "2.0.2"

+__svn_revision__ = "$Revision: 0$"

 __XBMC_Revision__ = "31632"



@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ def categories(root):








@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ def addDir(name,url,item,iconimage,parametri={},info={}):



-    ok=True 

+    ok=True

     info.update({ "Titolo": name })

-    liz=xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage=iconimage, thumbnailImage=iconimage) 

-    liz.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels=info ) 


+    liz=xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage=iconimage, thumbnailImage=iconimage)

+    liz.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels=info )


     return ok


 def get(params,name):

diff --git a/ 
index 1aa9974..81a6ef3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
-<addon id="" name="PreviewNetworks Video Trailers" 
version="2.0.1" provider-name="nmazz64">
+<addon id="" name="PreviewNetworks Video Trailers" 
version="2.0.2" provider-name="nmazz64">
         <import addon="xbmc.python" version="1.0"/>
diff --git 
index aee5328..cb37f54 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
     <!-- settings labels -->
-    <string id="30000">Trailer quality</string>
+    <string id="30000">Max trailer quality</string>
     <string id="30001">small</string>
     <string id="30002">medium</string>
     <string id="30003">large</string>
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     <string id="30030">Play mode</string>
     <string id="30031">Stream</string>
     <string id="30032">Download</string>
-    <string id="30033">Download &amp; Save</string>
+    <string id="30033">Download &amp; Play</string>
     <string id="30040">- folder download</string>
     <string id="30041">- use title</string>
     <string id="30042">- Add '-trailer' to saved trailers</string>
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
     <!-- context menu labels -->
     <string id="30900">Theater Showtimes</string>
-    <string id="30910">Download &amp; Play Trailer</string>
+    <string id="30910">Download &amp; Play</string>
     <string id="30920">Play Trailer</string>
     <string id="30930">Movie Information</string>
diff --git 
index e019ccc..9619190 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
     <!-- settings labels -->
-    <string id="30000">Qualità trailer</string>
+    <string id="30000">Qualità massima dei trailers</string>
     <string id="30001">small</string>
     <string id="30002">medium</string>
     <string id="30003">large</string>
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     <string id="30030">Modalità Play</string>
     <string id="30031">Stream</string>
     <string id="30032">Download</string>
-    <string id="30033">Download &amp; Save</string>
+    <string id="30033">Download &amp; Play</string>
     <string id="30040">- cartella download</string>
     <string id="30041">- usa titolo</string>
     <string id="30042">- aggiungi -trailer</string>
diff --git a/ 
index 1e6fed4..0e23de6 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class _Info:
 class Main:

     #Addon = xbmcaddon.Addon( id=os.path.basename( os.getcwd() ) )

     Addon = xbmcaddon.Addon( id=__plugin__)



     def __init__( self ):

         # parse argv


@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ class Main:
         self.settings = {}

         self.settings[ "download_path" ] = self.Addon.getSetting( 
"download_path" )

         self.settings[ "play_mode" ] = int( self.Addon.getSetting( "play_mode" 
) )

-        if ( self.settings[ "play_mode" ] == 2 and self.settings[ 
"download_path" ] == "" ):

-            self.settings[ "play_mode" ] = 1

-        self.settings[ "use_title" ] = ( self.Addon.getSetting( "use_title" ) 
== "true" and self.settings[ "play_mode" ] == 2 )

-        self.settings[ "use_trailer" ] = ( self.Addon.getSetting( 
"use_trailer" ) == "true" and self.settings[ "use_title" ] == True and 
self.settings[ "play_mode" ] == 2 )

+        #if ( self.settings[ "play_mode" ] == 2 and self.settings[ 
"download_path" ] == "" ):

+        #    self.settings[ "play_mode" ] = 1

+        self.settings[ "use_title" ] = ( self.Addon.getSetting( "use_title" ) 
== "true"  )

+        self.settings[ "use_trailer" ] = False # ( self.Addon.getSetting( 
"use_trailer" ) == "true" and self.settings[ "use_title" ] == True and 
self.settings[ "play_mode" ] == 2 )


     def _download_video( self ):


@@ -120,17 +120,17 @@ class Main:

     def _report_hook( self, count, blocksize, totalsize ):

         percent = int( float( count * blocksize * 100) / totalsize )

-        msg1 = self.Addon.getLocalizedString( 30500 + ( self.settings[ 
"play_mode" ] == 2 ) ) % ( os.path.basename( self.filepath ), )

-        msg2 = ( "", self.Addon.getLocalizedString( 30502 ) % ( 
os.path.dirname( self.filepath ), ), )[ self.settings[ "play_mode" ] - 1 ]

+        msg1 = self.Addon.getLocalizedString( 30500 ) % ( os.path.basename( 
self.filepath ), )

+        msg2 = self.Addon.getLocalizedString( 30502 ) % ( os.path.dirname( 
self.filepath ), )

         pDialog.update( percent, msg1, msg2 )

         if ( pDialog.iscanceled() ): raise



     def _finalize_download( self, tmp_path ):


             if ( tmp_path != self.filepath ):

                 # copy the trailer

-                msg1 = xbmc.getLocalizedString( 30503 ) % ( os.path.split( 
self.filepath )[ 1 ], )

-                msg2 = xbmc.getLocalizedString( 30502 ) % ( os.path.split( 
self.filepath )[ 0 ], )

+                msg1 = self.Addon.getLocalizedString( 30503 ) % ( 
os.path.split( self.filepath )[ 1 ], )

+                msg2 = self.Addon.getLocalizedString( 30502 ) % ( 
os.path.split( self.filepath )[ 0 ], )

                 pDialog.update( -1, msg1, msg2 )

                 # necessary for dialog to update

                 xbmc.sleep( 50 )

@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class Main:

                 # copy the thumbnail

                 thumbpath = os.path.splitext( self.filepath )[ 0 ] + ".tbn"

-                msg1 = xbmc.getLocalizedString( 30503 ) % ( os.path.split( 
thumbpath )[ 1 ], )

+                msg1 = self.Addon.getLocalizedString( 30503 ) % ( 
os.path.split( thumbpath )[ 1 ], )

                 pDialog.update( -1, msg1, msg2 )

                 # necessary for dialog to update

                 xbmc.sleep( 50 )

diff --git a/ 
index c4f0301..6db893a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ from util import get_filesystem, get_legal_filepath, 
 from MediaWindow import MediaWindow, DirectoryItem


 __plugin__ = ""



 class _urlopener( urllib.FancyURLopener ):

     version = sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__useragent__


@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ urllib._urlopener = _urlopener()
 class _Parser:


     Addon = xbmcaddon.Addon( id=__plugin__)



     def __init__( self, xmlSource, settings, MediaWindow ):

         self.success = True

         self.settings = settings

@@ -40,12 +40,14 @@ class _Parser:
         self.date_format = xbmc.getRegion( "datelong" ).replace( "DDDD,", "" 
).replace( "MMMM", "%B" ).replace( "D", "%d" ).replace( "YYYY", "%Y" ).strip()

         # get the list

         self.success = self._get_current_videos( xmlSource )



     def _get_current_videos( self, xmlSource ):


             type_filter = ""

             quality_filter = ""

             title_option = ""

+            #quality_target = -1

+            quality_target = int(self.Addon.getSetting( "quality" ))

             # encoding

             encoding = re.findall( "<\?xml version=\"[^\"]*\" 
encoding=\"([^\"]*)\"\?>", xmlSource )[ 0 ]

             # gather all video records <movieinfo>

@@ -117,11 +119,11 @@ class _Parser:
                         locations[2] = posters_url[ind]

                     # gallery image

                     elif (posters_type[ind]=='7'):

-                        locations[3] = posters_url[ind]  

+                        locations[3] = posters_url[ind]

                     # video still

                     elif (posters_type[ind]=='11'):

                         locations[4] = posters_url[ind]



                 if (locations[self.settings[ "poster" ]]):

                     poster = locations[self.settings[ "poster" ]]

                 elif (self.settings["poster"] > 0):

@@ -161,10 +163,10 @@ class _Parser:
                             file_type = re.findall( "format=\"(.*?)\"", 
file_extract )[ 0 ]

                             file_size = re.findall( "size=\"(.*?)\"", 
file_extract ) [ 0 ]

                             quality_curr = test_quality(file_size)

+                            # seleziona solo i tipi opzionati

                             if ((self.settings[ "type" ] == "all" or 
self.settings[ "type" ] == file_type )

-                                and (self.settings[ "quality" ] == file_size or

-                                     (self.settings[ "quality" ] == "max" and 
quality_prev < quality_curr ))):

-                                quality_prev = quality_curr

+                                and quality_curr <= quality_target):

+                                #quality_prev = quality_curr

                                 quality = file_size

                                 # extract url

                                 trailers = re.findall( "<url>(.*?)</url>", 
file_extract )

@@ -193,10 +195,7 @@ class _Parser:
                                     title_option = ' (' + file_type + '/' + 
file_size + ')'


                                     title_option = ''

-                                #if ( titles ):

-                                #    title_trailer = unicode( unescape( titles 
[ 0 ]+' - '+ trailer_name[ 0 ] + title_option), encoding, "replace" )

-                                #else:

-                                #    title_trailer = trailer_name[ 0 ]

+                                #

                                 if (self.settings[ "originaltitle" ]==True):

                                     title_trailer = original_titles[ 0 ] + '   
[' + trailer_name[ 0 ] + '] ' + title_option


@@ -206,12 +205,15 @@ class _Parser:
                                 title_trailer = re.sub("&quot;", '"', 

                                 title_trailer = re.sub("&amp;", '&', 


-                                if self.settings[ "quality" ]<>'max':

+                                # print "quality curr %s, target %s, selected 
%s" % (quality_curr,quality_target, quality_curr-quality_target)

+                                if (quality_curr == quality_target):

+                                    quality_prev = quality_target

                                     ok = self._add_video( { "title": 
title_trailer, "runtime": runtime, "studio": studio, "postdate": postdate, 
"releasedate": releasedate, "copyright": copyright, "director": director, 
"plot": plot, "cast": actors, "genre": genre, "poster": poster, "trailer": 
trailer, "size": size, "fanart": fanart, "quality": quality }, 0 )

                                     # if user cancels, call raise to exit loop

                                     if ( not ok ): raise

                         # -- exit from loop

-                        if self.settings[ "quality" ]=='max' and title_trailer 
<> '':

+                        #if self.settings[ "quality" ]=='max' and 
title_trailer <> '' and quality_curr <> quality_target:

+                        if title_trailer <> '' and quality_prev <> 

                             ok = self._add_video( { "title": title_trailer, 
"runtime": runtime, "studio": studio, "postdate": postdate, "releasedate": 
releasedate, "copyright": copyright, "director": director, "plot": plot, 
"cast": actors, "genre": genre, "poster": poster, "trailer": trailer, "size": 
size, "fanart": fanart, "quality": quality }, 0 )

                             # if user cancels, call raise to exit loop

                             if ( not ok ): raise

@@ -293,12 +295,12 @@ class Main:
     # base paths



-    BASE_DATA_PATH = os.path.join( xbmc.translatePath( "special://profile/" ), 
"addon_data", os.path.basename( Addon.getAddonInfo('path') ), "cache" )   

+    BASE_DATA_PATH = os.path.join( xbmc.translatePath( "special://profile/" ), 
"addon_data", os.path.basename( Addon.getAddonInfo('path') ), "cache" )

     BASE_CURRENT_SOURCE_PATH = os.path.join( xbmc.translatePath( 
"special://profile/" ), "addon_data", os.path.basename( 
Addon.getAddonInfo('path')),  "cache" , "trailer_%s.xml" )

     title_option = ""

     type_filter = ""

     quality_filter = ""



     def __init__( self , url_source, item):

         # get users preference

         self.BASE_CURRENT_URL = url_source

@@ -334,7 +336,7 @@ class Main:
         self.settings[ "play_mode" ] = int( self.Addon.getSetting( "play_mode" 
) )

         if ( self.settings[ "play_mode" ] == 2 and self.settings[ 
"download_path" ] == "" ):

             self.settings[ "play_mode" ] = 1

-        self.settings[ "use_title" ] = ( self.settings[ "download_path" ] != 
"" )

+        self.settings[ "use_title" ] = ( self.Addon.getSetting( "use_title" ) 
== "true")

         self.settings[ "use_trailer" ] = ( self.settings[ "download_path" ] != 
"" )

         self.settings[ "play_existing" ] = ( self.Addon.getSetting( 
"play_existing" ) == "true" and self.settings[ "download_path" ] != "" )

         self.settings[ "extra" ] = ( self.Addon.getSetting( "extra" ) == 
"true" )

@@ -350,7 +352,7 @@ class Main:

         if kboard.isConfirmed():

             return urllib.quote_plus(kboard.getText())

-        return ''    

+        return ''


     def get_videos( self ):

         ok = False

@@ -377,8 +379,7 @@ class Main:
                 base_url = self.BASE_CURRENT_URL % (self.settings[ "region" 
],self.settings[ "product" ],self.settings[ "channel_id" ],search_phrase)


                 base_url = self.BASE_CURRENT_URL % (self.settings[ "region" 
],self.settings[ "product" ],self.settings[ "channel_id" ])


-            # print base_url

+            #

             # get the source files date if it exists

             try: date = os.path.getmtime( base_path )

             except: date = 0

diff --git a/ 
index 23ef571..00f70ec 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ def get_filesystem( download_path ):

 def test_quality( quality ):

     # test if the quality of new video is best than previous

-    v_qual = [ "small", "medium", "large", "xlarge", "xxlarge", "HD 480p", "HD 
720p", "HD 1080p", ]

-    Indice = 0 

-    while Indice < len(v_qual): 

-        if v_qual[Indice] == quality: 

-            return Indice 

-        Indice = Indice + 1 

+    v_qual = [ "small", "medium", "large", "xlarge", "xxlarge", "HD 480p", "HD 
720p", "HD 1080p", "max" ]

+    Indice = 0

+    while Indice < len(v_qual):

+        if v_qual[Indice] == quality:

+            return Indice

+        Indice = Indice + 1


     return False


@@ -27,37 +27,35 @@ def get_legal_filepath( title, url, mode, download_path, 
use_title, use_trailer
     illegal_characters = { "xbox": '\\/,*=|<>?;:\"+', "win32": '\\/*|<>?:\"', 
"Linux": "/", "OS X": "/:" }

     # get the flavor of XBMC

     environment = os.environ.get( "OS", "xbox" )

-    # get the filesystem the trailer will be saved to

-    filesystem = get_filesystem( download_path )

     # create our temp save path

     tmp_path = xbmc.translatePath( "special://temp/%s" % ( os.path.basename( 
url ), ) )

-    # if play_mode is temp download to cache folder

-    if ( mode < 2 ):

-        filepath = tmp_path

+    # get the filesystem the trailer will be saved to

+    if ( download_path == '' ):

+        download_path = tmp_path

+    filesystem = get_filesystem( download_path )

+    # get a valid filepath

+    if ( use_title ):

+        # append trailer if user preference

+        trailer = ( "", "-trailer", )[ use_trailer ]

+        # add trailer extension to trailer title

+        title = title + trailer + os.path.splitext( url )[ 1 ]


-        # get a valid filepath

-        if ( use_title ):

-            # append trailer if user preference

-            trailer = ( "", "-trailer", )[ use_trailer ]

-            # add trailer extension to trailer title

-            title = title + trailer + os.path.splitext( url )[ 1 ]

-        else:

-            # we use the urls trailer name

-            title = os.path.basename( url )

-        # clean the filename

-        filename = re.sub( '[%s]' % ( illegal_characters[ filesystem ], ), 
"_", title )

-        # we need to handle xbox special

+        # we use the urls trailer name

+        title = os.path.basename( url )

+    # clean the filename

+    filename = re.sub( '[%s]' % ( illegal_characters[ filesystem ], ), "_", 
title )

+    # we need to handle xbox special

+    if ( filesystem == "xbox" ):

+        # set the length to 37 if filepath isn't a smb share for the .conf file

+        if( len( filename ) > 37 and not download_path.startswith( "smb://" ) 

+            name, ext = os.path.splitext( filename )

+            filename = name[ : 37 - len( ext ) ].strip() + ext

+        # replace any characters whose ord > 127 for xbox filesystem

         if ( filesystem == "xbox" ):

-            # set the length to 37 if filepath isn't a smb share for the .conf 

-            if( len( filename ) > 37 and not download_path.startswith( 
"smb://" ) ):

-                name, ext = os.path.splitext( filename )

-                filename = name[ : 37 - len( ext ) ].strip() + ext

-            # replace any characters whose ord > 127 for xbox filesystem

-            if ( filesystem == "xbox" ):

-                for char in filename:

-                    if ( ord( char ) > 127 ):

-                        filename = filename.replace( char, "_" )

-        # make our filepath

-        filepath = os.path.join( xbmc.translatePath( download_path ), filename 
)#, "utf-8", "replace" )

+            for char in filename:

+                if ( ord( char ) > 127 ):

+                    filename = filename.replace( char, "_" )

+    # make our filepath

+    filepath = os.path.join( xbmc.translatePath( download_path ), filename )#, 
"utf-8", "replace" )

     # return results

     return tmp_path, filepath

diff --git a/ 
index 434e6bd..58a0098 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
     <setting id="poster" type="enum" lvalues="30011|30012|30013|30014|30015" 
label="30010" default="1" />
     <--setting id="product" type="enum" lvalues="30061|30062|30063|30064" 
label="30060" default="0" enable="False"/>
     <setting type="sep" />
-    <setting id="play_mode" type="enum" lvalues="30031|30032|30033" 
label="30030" default="0" />
-    <setting id="download_path" type="folder" source="files" enable="eq(-1,2)" 
option="writeable" label="30040" default="" />
-    <--setting id="use_title" type="bool" enable="eq(-2,2) + !eq(-1,)" 
label="30041" default="true" />
+    <setting id="play_mode" type="enum" lvalues="30031|30033" label="30030" 
default="0" />
+    <setting id="download_path" type="folder" source="files" 
option="writeable" label="30040" default="" />
+    <setting id="use_title" type="bool" label="30041" default="true" />
     <--setting id="use_trailer" type="bool" enable="eq(-3,2) + !eq(-2,) + 
eq(-1,true)" label="30042" default="true" />
-    <setting id="play_existing" type="bool" enable="eq(-2,2)" label="30043" 
default="true" />
+    <setting id="play_existing" type="bool" enable="eq(-3,1)" label="30043" 
default="true" />
     <--setting type="sep" />
     <--setting id="fanart_image" type="pictures" label="30090" default="" 


Summary of changes:              |   16 +++---             |    2 +-
 .../resources/language/English/strings.xml         |    6 +-
 .../resources/language/Italian/strings.xml         |    4 +-
 .../resources/lib/                      |   22 +++---
 .../resources/lib/                      |   41 ++++++------ |   66 ++++++++++----------
 .../resources/settings.xml                         |    8 +-
 8 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)


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