That is exactly it!

It was more or less staring me in the face, but I just couldn’t see it.

Thank you for saving me from hours of frustration,

Jeff Berry
MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge

From: Kevin Keane <>
Sent: 08 July 2019 17:00
To: xCAT Users Mailing list <>
Subject: Re: [xcat-user] Strange issue switching to ramdisk ...

To keep the image size small (and give you as much RAM as possible for actual 
work), xCAT will remove unneeded files when preparing your image.

The exact list of files it removes is in your exlist file. You can find the 
location of that file with

lsdef -t osimage <image>

Edit that file as needed, then rebuild your image.

Kevin Keane | Systems Architect | University of San Diego ITS |<>
Maher Hall, 192 |5998 Alcalá Park | San Diego, CA 92110-2492 | 619.260.6859 | 
Text: 760-721-8339

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On Fri, Jul 5, 2019 at 3:20 AM Jeff Berry 
<<>> wrote:
Hi all,

we’ve been experimenting with switching from our nfs-based statelite deployment 
to a ramdisk based one, and at first glance, everything seemed easy and 

We’re using xcat 2.14.2 deploying centos 7.6

After a while though, I noticed that our ramdisk machines were out of sync with 
the nfs disk machines – specifically they were not picking up the timezone 
information.  A little further digging revealed that 27 directories in 
/usr/share (including zoneinfo), so the ones running nfs are showing BST while 
the ramdisk ones are showing UTC.   Also including in the missing directories 
list are a bunch of gnome directories and a few others.   I double-checked and 
the directories exist in the image directory.   I unzipped rootimg-statelite.gz 
and ran
cpio -t < rootimg-statelite | grep share/zoneinfo | more

Sure enough – no zoneinfo .  So I reran liteimg.  Then did the same check on it 
again.  Still no zoneinfo.

It feels like I might be missing something obvious, but I’m not sure what ... 
any pointers would be very much appreciated,

Jeff Berry
MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge
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