From: George Dunlap <>

Implement CpupoolCreate.

For now, follow the lead of "xl cpupool-create", by automatically
generating a new uuid each time a new cpupool is created, and by not
allowing the user to attempt to set the poolid.

This requires us to implement bytmapGotoC, which C-allocates the
appropriate array and copies the Go byte map into it.  This must be
C-allocated because the runtime restricts how Go-allocated structures
can be passed into C function calls.

While we're here, reorganize functions slightly, and change the Bitmap
implementation to automatically extend the array if the size of the
byte array is too small.

Signed-off-by: George Dunlap <>
 libxl.go | 119 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 85 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libxl.go b/libxl.go
index 3f6ba01..6e17b53 100644
--- a/libxl.go
+++ b/libxl.go
@@ -176,20 +176,38 @@ func (bm *Bitmap) Alloc(max int) {
 // Return a Go bitmap which is a copy of the referred C bitmap.
-func bitmapCToGo(cbm *C.libxl_bitmap) (bm Bitmap) {
+func bitmapCToGo(cbm *C.libxl_bitmap) (gbm Bitmap) {
        // Alloc a Go slice for the bytes
        size := int(cbm.size)
-       bm.Alloc(size*8)
+       gbm.Alloc(size*8)
        // Make a slice pointing to the C array
        mapslice := (*[1 << 30]C.uint8_t)(unsafe.Pointer(cbm._map))[:size:size]
        // And copy the C array into the Go array
-       copy(bm.bitmap, mapslice)
+       copy(gbm.bitmap, mapslice)
+// Must be C.libxl_bitmap_dispose'd of afterwards
+func bitmapGotoC(gbm Bitmap, cbm *C.libxl_bitmap) {
+       C.libxl_bitmap_init(cbm)
+       size := len(gbm.bitmap)
+       cbm._map = (*C.uint8_t)(C.malloc(C.size_t(size)))
+       cbm.size = C.uint32_t(size)
+       if cbm._map == nil {
+               panic("C.calloc failed!")
+       }
+       // Make a slice pointing to the C array
+       mapslice := (*[1 << 30]C.uint8_t)(unsafe.Pointer(cbm._map))[:size:size]
+       // And copy the Go array into the C array
+       copy(mapslice, gbm.bitmap)
 func (bm *Bitmap) Test(bit int) (bool) {
        ubit := uint(bit)
        if (bit > bm.Max()) {
@@ -199,14 +217,13 @@ func (bm *Bitmap) Test(bit int) (bool) {
        return (bm.bitmap[bit / 8] & (1 << (ubit & 7))) != 0
-// FIXME: Do we really just want to silently fail here?
 func (bm *Bitmap) Set(bit int) {
-       ubit := uint(bit)
-       if (bit > bm.Max()) {
-               return
+       ibit := bit / 8;
+       if (ibit + 1 > len(bm.bitmap)) {
+               bm.bitmap = append(bm.bitmap, make([]C.uint8_t, 
-       bm.bitmap[bit / 8] |= 1 << (ubit & 7)
+       bm.bitmap[ibit] |= 1 << (uint(bit) & 7)
 func (bm *Bitmap) Clear(bit int) {
@@ -234,12 +251,12 @@ func (bm *Bitmap) Max() (int) {
 //     ])
 type Scheduler int
 var (
-       SchedulerUnknown  Scheduler = 0
-       SchedulerSedf     Scheduler = 4
-       SchedulerCredit   Scheduler = 5
-       SchedulerCredit2  Scheduler = 6
-       SchedulerArinc653 Scheduler = 7
-       SchedulerRTDS     Scheduler = 8
+       SchedulerUnknown  Scheduler = C.LIBXL_SCHEDULER_UNKNOWN
+       SchedulerSedf     Scheduler = C.LIBXL_SCHEDULER_SEDF
+       SchedulerCredit   Scheduler = C.LIBXL_SCHEDULER_CREDIT
+       SchedulerCredit2  Scheduler = C.LIBXL_SCHEDULER_CREDIT2
+       SchedulerArinc653 Scheduler = C.LIBXL_SCHEDULER_ARINC653
+       SchedulerRTDS     Scheduler = C.LIBXL_SCHEDULER_RTDS
 // const char *libxl_scheduler_to_string(libxl_scheduler p);
@@ -315,23 +332,38 @@ func (Ctx *Context) ListCpupool() (list []CpupoolInfo) {
-func (Ctx *Context) CpupoolFindByName(name string) (info CpupoolInfo, found 
bool) {
-       plist := Ctx.ListCpupool()
+// int libxl_cpupool_create(libxl_ctx *ctx, const char *name,
+//                          libxl_scheduler sched,
+//                          libxl_bitmap cpumap, libxl_uuid *uuid,
+//                          uint32_t *poolid);
+// FIXME: uuid
+// FIXME: Setting poolid
+func (Ctx *Context) CpupoolCreate(Name string, Scheduler Scheduler, Cpumap 
Bitmap) (err error, Poolid uint32) {
+       poolid := C.uint32_t(0)
+       name := C.CString(Name)
+       defer
+       // For now, just do what xl does, and make a new uuid every time we 
create the pool
+       var uuid C.libxl_uuid
+       C.libxl_uuid_generate(&uuid)
-       for i := range plist {
-               if plist[i].PoolName == name {
-                       found = true
-                       info = plist[i]
-                       return
-               }
+       var cbm C.libxl_bitmap
+       bitmapGotoC(Cpumap, &cbm)
+       defer C.libxl_bitmap_dispose(&cbm)
+       ret := C.libxl_cpupool_create(Ctx.ctx, name, 
+               cbm, &uuid, &poolid)
+       // FIXME: Proper error
+       if ret != 0 {
+               err = fmt.Errorf("libxl_cpupool_create failed: %d", ret)
+               return
+       Poolid = uint32(poolid)
-// int libxl_cpupool_create(libxl_ctx *ctx, const char *name,
-//                          libxl_scheduler sched,
-//                          libxl_bitmap cpumap, libxl_uuid *uuid,
-//                          uint32_t *poolid);
 // int libxl_cpupool_destroy(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t poolid);
 // int libxl_cpupool_rename(libxl_ctx *ctx, const char *name, uint32_t poolid);
 // int libxl_cpupool_cpuadd(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t poolid, int cpu);
@@ -345,7 +377,22 @@ func (Ctx *Context) CpupoolFindByName(name string) (info 
CpupoolInfo, found bool
 // int libxl_cpupool_movedomain(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t poolid, uint32_t 
 // int libxl_cpupool_info(libxl_ctx *ctx, libxl_cpupoolinfo *info, uint32_t 
+// Utility functions
+func (Ctx *Context) CpupoolFindByName(name string) (info CpupoolInfo, found 
bool) {
+       plist := Ctx.ListCpupool()
+       for i := range plist {
+               if plist[i].PoolName == name {
+                       found = true
+                       info = plist[i]
+                       return
+               }
+       }
+       return
 func XlTest(Args []string) {
        var Ctx Context
@@ -384,15 +431,19 @@ func XlTest(Args []string) {
        } else {
-               fmt.Printf("schedbench not found")
-       }
+               fmt.Printf("schedbench not found, creating\n")
-       pool, found = Ctx.CpupoolFindByName("schedbnch")
+               var Cpumap Bitmap
+               var Poolid uint32
-       if found {
-               fmt.Printf("%v\n", pool)
-       } else {
-               fmt.Printf("schedbnch not found\n")
+               Cpumap.Set(15)
+               err, Poolid = Ctx.CpupoolCreate("schedbench", SchedulerCredit, 
+               if err != nil {
+                       fmt.Printf("Error creating cpupool: %v\n", err)
+               } else {
+                       fmt.Printf("Pool id: %d\n", Poolid)
+               }

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