> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Mikey Ariel <mar...@redhat.com>
> Subject: [devroom-managers] Virtualization & IaaS Devroom CFP
> Date: 27 October 2015 23:23:50 GMT
> To: fos...@lists.fosdem.org, devroom-manag...@lists.fosdem.org, 
> iaas-virt-devr...@lists.fosdem.org
> **Please forward to any project or individual that might be interested in 
> participating in this devroom!**
> -------------------------
> Call for Participation
> -------------------------
> The Virtualization & IaaS devroom will feature sessions around virtualization 
> and Infrastructure-as-a-Service, with topics to include open source 
> hypervisors and virtual machine managers such as KVM, Xen, bhyve, and 
> VirtualBox, and Infrastructure-as-a-Service projects such as Apache 
> CloudStack, OpenStack, oVirt, OpenNebula, and Ganeti.
> This devroom will host presentations and labs that focus on topics of shared 
> interest, such as KVM, libvirt, shared storage, virtualized networking, 
> clustering and high availability, interfacing with multiple hypervisors, and 
> scaling across hundreds or thousands of servers.
> Presentations in this devroom will be aimed at developers working on these 
> platforms who are looking to collaborate and improve shared infrastructure or 
> solve common problems.
> The devroom organizers will seek topics that encourage dialog between 
> projects and continued work post-FOSDEM.
> -------------------------
> Important Dates
> -------------------------
> Submission deadline: 1 December 2015
> Acceptance notifications: 10 December 2015
> Final schedule announcement: 17 December 2015
> Devroom: 30-31 January 2016 (two days)
> -------------------------
> Submission Guidelines: READ CAREFULLY
> -------------------------
> ** Please note that we expect more proposals than we can possibly accept, so 
> it is vitally important that you submit your proposal on or before the 
> deadline. Late submissions are unlikely to be considered.**
> * All presentation slots are 45 minutes, with 35 minutes planned for 
> presentations, and 10 minutes for Q&A.
> * All presentations *will* be recorded and made available under Creative 
> Commons licenses. In the "Submission notes" field, please indicate that you 
> agree that your presentation will be licensed under the CC-By-SA-4.0 or 
> CC-By-4.0 license and that you agree to have your presentation recorded. For 
> example:
>    "If my presentation is accepted for FOSDEM, I hereby agree to license all 
> recordings, slides, and other associated materials under the Creative Commons 
> Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International License. Sincerely, <NAME>."
> * In the "Submission notes" field, please also confirm that if your talk is 
> accepted, you *will* be able to attend FOSDEM and deliver your presentation. 
> We will not consider proposals from prospective speakers who are unsure 
> whether they will be able to secure funds for travel and lodging to attend 
> FOSDEM. (Sadly, we are not able to offer travel funding for prospective 
> speakers.)
> -------------------------
> How to Submit
> -------------------------
> All submissions must be made via the Pentabarf event planning site:
> https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM16
> If you have not used Pentabarf before, you will need to create an account. If 
> you submitted proposals for FOSDEM in previous years, you can use your 
> existing account.
> After creating the account, select "Create Event" to start the submission 
> process. Make sure to select "Virtualization & IaaS devroom" from the Track 
> list.
> Please fill out all the required fields, and provide a meaningful abstract 
> and description of your proposed session.
> -------------------------
> Call for Volunteers
> -------------------------
> We are also looking for volunteers to help run the devroom. We need 
> assistance watching time for the speakers, and helping with video for the 
> devroom. Please contact Mikey Ariel (mariel at redhat.com) for more 
> information.
> -------------------------
> Questions
> -------------------------
> If you have any questions about this devroom, please send your questions to: 
> iaas-virt-devroom at lists.fosdem.org
> We will respond as quickly as possible. Thanks!
> -- 
> Mikey Ariel
> Community Lead, oVirt
> www.ovirt.org
> "To be is to do" (Socrates)
> "To do is to be" (Jean-Paul Sartre)
> "Do be do be do" (Frank Sinatra)
> Mobile: +420-702-131-141
> IRC: mariel / thatdocslady
> Twitter: @ThatDocsLady
> _______________________________________________
> devroom-managers mailing list
> devroom-manag...@lists.fosdem.org
> https://lists.fosdem.org/listinfo/devroom-managers

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