linux-azure (4.15.0-1039.43) xenial; urgency=medium
* linux-azure: 4.15.0-1039.43 -proposed tracker (LP: #1816093)
* 4.15.0-1037 does not see all PCI devices on GPU VMs (LP: #1816106)
- Revert "PCI: hv: Make sure the bus domain is really unique"
* Move bionic/linux-azure to 4.18 (LP: #
linux-meta-azure ( xenial; urgency=medium
* Bump ABI 4.15.0-1039
Date: 2019-02-15 18:50:24.138456+00:00
Changed-By: Marcelo Cerri
Signed-By: Andy Whitcroft
Sorry, changesfile not available.--
Xenial-changes m
linux-azure (4.15.0-1039.43) xenial; urgency=medium
* linux-azure: 4.15.0-1039.43 -proposed tracker (LP: #1816093)
* 4.15.0-1037 does not see all PCI devices on GPU VMs (LP: #1816106)
- Revert "PCI: hv: Make sure the bus domain is really unique"
* Move bionic/linux-azure to 4.18 (LP: #
linux-signed-azure (4.15.0-1039.43) xenial; urgency=medium
* Master version: 4.15.0-1039.43
* Miscellaneous Ubuntu changes
- [Packaging] download-signed -- fix downloader component and handle
Date: 2019-02-15 18:01:29.624296+00:00
Changed-By: Marcelo Cerri