
I'm are using the xenomai-forge pSOS skin (Mercury).
My application is running on a P4040 (Freescale PPC with 4 cores).
Some code snippets are put in this mail but the complete testcode is
also attached.

I have a test task that just consumes the CPU:

int run_test = 1;
static void perform_work(u_long counter,u_long b,u_long c,u_long d)
  int i;
  while (run_test) {
    for (i=0;i<100000;i++);
    (*(unsigned long*)counter)++;
  while (1) tm_wkafter(1000);

If I create 2 instances of this task with the T_SLICE option set:

    t_start(tid,T_TSLICE, perform_work, args);

I see that only 1 task is consuming CPU.

# taskset 1 ./roundrobin.exe &
#    0"000.543| [main] SCHED_RT priorities => [1 .. 99]
   0"000.656| [main] SCHED_RT.99 reserved for IRQ emulation
   0"000.692| [main] SCHED_RT.98 reserved for scheduler-lock emulation
0 -> 6602
1 -> 0

If I adapt the code so that I call in my init the threadobj_start_rr
function, I see that the load is equally distributed over the 2

# taskset 1 ./roundrobin.exe &
#    0"000.557| [main] SCHED_RT priorities => [1 .. 99]
   0"000.672| [main] SCHED_RT.99 reserved for IRQ emulation
   0"000.708| [main] SCHED_RT.98 reserved for scheduler-lock emulation
0 -> 3290
1 -> 3291

Here are the questions:
- why is the threadobj_start_rr function not called from the context
of the init of the psos layer.
- why is the roundrobin implemented in this way? If the tasks would be
mapped on the SCHED_RR instead of the SCHED_FF the Linux scheduler
would take care of this.
On the other hand, once the threadobj_start_rr function is called from
my init, and I create the tasks in T_NOTSLICE mode, the time-slicing
is still done.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <psos/psos.h>

int run_test = 1;
static void perform_work(u_long counter,u_long b,u_long c,u_long d)
  int i;
  while (run_test) {
    for (i=0;i<100000;i++);
    (*(unsigned long*)counter)++;
  while (1) tm_wkafter(1000);

static unsigned long counter[2];

static void test()
  u_long tid,args[4] = {0,0,0,0};
  int i;

  for (i=0;i<2;i++) {
    args[0] = (u_long)&(counter[i]);
    t_start(tid,T_TSLICE, perform_work, args);
  run_test = 0;

  for (i=0;i<2;i++) {
    printf("%i -> %lu\n",i,counter[i]);
  while (1) tm_wkafter(1000);

int main(int argc,char *argv[], char**envp)
  u_long oldprio;
  struct timespec quantum;


  quantum.tv_sec = 0;
  quantum.tv_nsec = 5 * 1000 * 1000; // use 5ms
  return 0;

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