Updating branch refs/heads/master
         to 3234f3e1efb29e8a4ff27e68f1d6ecdb42a11ea2 (commit)
       from b649c3b30cde15f111918084afda0ef1d7009358 (commit)

commit 3234f3e1efb29e8a4ff27e68f1d6ecdb42a11ea2
Author: Nick Schermer <n...@xfce.org>
Date:   Thu Jan 28 18:51:54 2010 +0100

    Fix bold labels in xfce_gtk_frame_box_new().

 libxfce4ui/xfce-gtk-extensions.c |    3 ++-
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libxfce4ui/xfce-gtk-extensions.c b/libxfce4ui/xfce-gtk-extensions.c
index 340e7ba..54110b0 100644
--- a/libxfce4ui/xfce-gtk-extensions.c
+++ b/libxfce4ui/xfce-gtk-extensions.c
@@ -116,8 +116,9 @@ xfce_gtk_frame_box_new (const gchar  *label,
   if (G_LIKELY (label != NULL))
       /* create bold label */
-      markup_label = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>", label);
+      markup_label = g_markup_printf_escaped ("<b>%s</b>", label);
       frame_label = gtk_label_new (markup_label);
+      gtk_label_set_use_markup (GTK_LABEL (frame_label), TRUE);
       g_free (markup_label);
       gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (frame_label), 0.0, 0.5);
       gtk_frame_set_label_widget (GTK_FRAME (frame), frame_label);
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