Updating branch refs/heads/master
         to 3253b0d434832be3bd5164ad3378b09c8e1196bd (commit)
       from 9970193c1c75c98831f3e76852a9a4ba02891fdf (commit)

commit 3253b0d434832be3bd5164ad3378b09c8e1196bd
Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jan...@xfce.org>
Date:   Fri Sep 18 05:24:36 2009 +0200

    Add dist-hook: all to the libxfce4panel/ Makefile.am.
    This seems to be required for the gtk-doc scanner to find the .la
    library file in make distcheck.

 libxfce4panel/Makefile.am |    3 +++
 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libxfce4panel/Makefile.am b/libxfce4panel/Makefile.am
index a87dee0..e1782a0 100644
--- a/libxfce4panel/Makefile.am
+++ b/libxfce4panel/Makefile.am
@@ -172,4 +172,7 @@ libxfce4panel-marshal.c: libxfce4panel-marshal.h Makefile
        && rm -f xgen-mc
+# required for gtk-doc
+dist-hook: all
 # vi:set ts=8 sw=8 noet ai nocindent syntax=automake:
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