Hello, I'm new to this list, but I don't think this question has been
asked much before (Google was of no help to me anyway)...

I'm embarking an doing a presentation for a Linux User Group about
Keyboard Remapping under X, and have often wondered if it is possible to
bind (using either xmodmap or some external application that I could
call from my window manager) the Context key on my 104-key keyboard to
act as a middle mouse click, and paste the content of the cut buffer.

I would like to do this mainly because I have used a laptop for a while
now, with three mouse buttons (IBM ThinkPad), and rather enjoyed not
having to move my hands away from the keyboard when I went to paste, as
I could quickly achieve it with my thumb.

If at all possible, I would prefer a solution that doesn't
require any superuser priviledges.

I've been using Perl/Tk recently, and am familiar with C (never done any
raw X11 programming though) so if its a matter of just being able
to submit the right X event somehow, I think I could manage it, if
someone could point me in the right direction.

I thought I could perhaps use the dox (Do-X) program I saw some years
ago (and was very old), to submit the right event, but I cannot find it
any more.

Many thanks.
Cameron Kerr
[EMAIL PROTECTED] : http://nzgeeks.org/cameron/
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