Re: [XFree86] Which graphics card to buy?

2004-02-05 Thread Suresh Chandra Mannava
Hi, > I'm about to buy a new computer, and I'm unsure of > what graphics card to > buy. Better go for ATI, ATI cards are having open-source DRI drivers as nvidia suports binary only DRI drivers. Radeon 9800 may be a best option. Regards, Suresh _

[XFree86] help on configure the X window System X11R6

2004-01-06 Thread Suresh Chandra Mannava
are there any changes made for X11R6? Does the above document hold good for X11R6? If not, please provide some pointers on Imake configuration for X11R6. thanking you yours truly, Suresh Chandra Mannava. = ------- Suresh Chandra Mannava. Research Scholar, V

[XFree86] building X11 in separate pieces

2004-01-05 Thread Suresh Chandra Mannava
MB source tree Is it true? If I know "Imake", can I recurse the main Makefile and find the modules and dependencies? which will enable me to build X11 in pieces. Regards, Suresh Chandra Mannava. = ------- Suresh Chandra Mannava. Research Sc

[XFree86] help on Imake

2004-01-01 Thread Suresh Chandra Mannava
Dear Friends, Can anybody provide me some pointers on "Imake" used by Xfree86. I found one book called software portability using Imake by O'Reilly but hard to find in India. Regards, Suresh. = ------- Suresh Chandra Mannava. Research Schola

[XFree86] porting Xfree86

2003-12-26 Thread suresh chandra
in advance. Regards, suresh. = --- Suresh Chandra Mannava. Research Scholar, V I T, India. Yahoo! India Mobile: Download the latest polyphonic ringtones. Go to http