I have two mouse issues I have been looking to fix. The first was kind of touched on a little in another thread, but if you don't mind I'll rehash it some here. I have a KVM switch that I use to go between Linux and Windows. It works fine under Windows, but under Linux (XFree 4.3.0) the mouse freezes when switching back. The only reason I bring it up again is because I used to use Mandrake 9.0 (XFree 4.2.1) and it was never a problem. I could switch back and forth all day long and no problems. It seems something has changed (IMHO for the worse) in 4.3.0 that takes that functionality away. I've also set my mouse protocol to "Auto" which doesn't help either. While the switching to a VT is a work-around, it doesn't seem that it would be viable to have to do that every single time. Could this possibly be a bug, or maybe even a piece of code was taken out of the 4.3.0 that inadvertantly caused this new unwanted behavior? Could someone with knowledge of the source possibly look into that? My second issue is with my scroll button. Again, using 4.2.1 it worked beautifully. However again, in 4.3 no matter what settings I use in my XF86Config I just cannot get my wheel to scroll. My mouse section looks like:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "IntelliMouse Explorer"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Protocol" "Auto"
Option "Device" "/dev/mouse"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "6 7"

Is there something there that is missing or wrong that I need to change to get the wheel to function properly? I know X is recognizing it's existence because if I press down on the wheel it either pastes text from the clipboard or goes to whatever link my mouse is over in Mozilla.


Ken Stanley
Team ZX

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